Should I replace my PSU for new build?

Discussion in 'Power Supplies and UPS's' started by jack99999, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. jack99999

    jack99999 Geek

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    I've had a lot of failures on my PC as it was my first build and I didn't know much about electrostatic discharge.

    Mostly the hard drive and ram it seems have been the problem.

    I was wondering though, how do I tell If my current PSU could damage a new build? I would save a lot of money by not buying a new one, but I'd rather buy a new one and be safe if it could damage my parts.
  2. Dave35k

    Dave35k H4ck3r

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    You can test the output using a multimeter and grab the correct reading from the net, but when you say you've had problems with "mostly the hard drive and ram" what else have you had problems with and how many times?? Also what where the problems?

    post back and I'll see if I can offer you some more advice :) I have got all the correct readings for a PSU somewhere ill see if i can dig it out.

    Cheers Dave :)
  3. jack99999

    jack99999 Geek

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    Hard drive a few times (but some of that was seagate. Actually, a lot of that was seagate.)

    Ram once and vid card once.
  4. jack99999

    jack99999 Geek

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    it's a corsair 520w

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