Nvidia Dentonator Drivers v40.52

Discussion in 'Drivers and Firmware' started by syngod, Sep 25, 2002.

  1. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    nVIDIA Detonator Drivers v40.52

    MyDrivers got their hands on some new Detonator drivers, this time version 40.52, and are for both Windows 9x and 2000/XP.

    Download: 2k/XP
    Download: Win9x

    Source: Warp2Search
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    thanks, I'm gona update the drivers again! seen any improvements?
  3. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    I haven't tried them since i prefer to stick with official drivers unless there are reports of a decent speed increase.

    I've heard a few problems about some of the properties in advanced features although I can't verify them. Given the increase in speed between the det 30's and 40's I'd doubt there is a noticable difference increase in speed if any.

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