Wii WiFi Problem

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by ahdrum, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. ahdrum

    ahdrum Geek Trainee

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    I have a strange issue, and I am hoping by some strange chance somebody on here will know the answer. I already called Nintendo, and they have no freakin idea what the problem is. I am trying to connect via a Wireless Router, or the Nintendo WiFi-USB Connector in order to get my Wii to connect to the internet...it doesnt matter which one I use, I just want it to work.

    The Wii Recognizes my SSID, and it recognizes the type of wireless security I am using (WPA-PSK (AES)). Then after typing in the password, the Wii cannot connect, giving me an error code, and the Nintendo tech support guy said that the specific error code it gave me relates to interference. However, I have done everything I possibly can (changed the wireless broadcast channel, turned off all possible devices causing interference, etc...) and the Wii still wont connect. So i decided to go buy the Nintendo WiFi-USB Connector and try that route.
    This usb connector connects into an XP machine, allows the Wii to connect to it, and it connects through the computer's internet connection. In the process of setting up, the program makes the local area connection shared. After I installed the program, it recognized my Wii and I allowed it to connect, but then the Wii cannot find the internet. Then I checked the PC i was running it through, and it cannot get on the internet either. However, as soon as I disable the connection that usb connector is on (windows labels it as Local Area Connection 2), the internet is available again. I think that this is the main problem, the fact that the computer cannot access the internet causes the Wii to not be able to either.

    I have never really worked with sharing network connections so it is hard for me to trouble shoot this....The Nintendo guy said his worked perfectly fine first time, but I tried this on 2 computers and it did the exact same thing. If anyone has advice on either the wireless router or the USB connector, that would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Well, with any network problem, you have to identify where the break is occurring. When your Wii and PC are linked, can your PC ping your Wii? Can your PC ping a root DNS server, e.g. Can you do an nslookup against, say, google.com?
  3. Marcus_X

    Marcus_X Expert N00b

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    Hey Ahdrum,

    Did you set the ip for the Wii yourself (Static ip) or is your Wii set to obtain an ip adress automatically? (DHCP)

    My Wii is also connected to my wireless router, I've got my Wii set up with a static ip adress outside my routers dhcp range and it's all working flawlessly.

    Let's say your router is set to dhcp and it's range is from ip to ip then you must choose an ip adress outside of that range to make it work, so choose an ip between to

    If your router handles ip adresses with the dhcp protocol and you set your Wii's ip adres yourself but in the dhcp range, it won't work. Maybe you could try setting al devices to dhcp if they weren't already. It's a bummer you bought an extra adapter and still can't get it to work.

    And what type of router are you using? Is your Wii far from the access point?


  4. ahdrum

    ahdrum Geek Trainee

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    sorry, i should have posted after i fixed the issue, my bad. it was actually getting interference from the satellite tv box sitting next to it. as soon as i put the wii on top instead of beside it, it worked :mad: . I did try that at the time, and it did not work due to the interference. thanks though

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