Newbie question: Angle of PC

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by urb1972, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. urb1972

    urb1972 Geek Trainee

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    I have a small desk and as such my PC tower does not fit flat in the only space I can put it in. As it is it now rests upwards at a 25 degree angle (leaning back away from me). I haven't noticed any problems with either the optical drive or the HD but I thought I'd post this just in case I was causing it any permanent damage.

  2. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    Not that I know of as long as everythings screwed in. Is your fan resting on the wall though? This could cause bad airflow.
  3. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    The drives are meant to operate on a vertical or horizontal plane, so having them at an odd angle, at least in the long term, is not an adviseable situation.
  4. urb1972

    urb1972 Geek Trainee

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    Cheers, I may get a lump of wood (is MDF okay?) to bring the back up to the same height the front currently rests at.

    Probably a good idea as the other day (because I'm sorta looking up at the optical drive) I put a disc in on top of one that was already in and didn't realise till it sounded like total crap!

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