Working on a new build (Abit IP35 Pro) and had to get a parallel port Pci card, these new MB's don't come with them anymore. Anyway the ? is, the Pci came with an extra parallel port on the bracket and since I do have two printers, one is a combo (scanner, copier) why not hook both up. I'll have to set the default everytime I want to print but this way I won't have to pull the PC out change cables, shove the PC back and then go. Will this work - probably just have the one printer "on" and set to default. TIA
If both Printers where on USB ports, then you would just need a USB hubb. But If both are on parallel ports, then they could cause conflicts.
Thanks for the come back - parallel unfortunately - just hate to plug and unplug the darn cables. Even if only one were turned on at a time - conflict?
just choose the best printer you want too use, then remove all software of the other one. Make sure that under printers that there is just one entry..