Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fucking college work to do :blah: I guess I need to finish it, before I get any further in life, though it doesn't mean you will it helps! I'm going UNI next year, doing ICT!
School is fun. School is fun because you can tell how much it fucKING BLOWS HERE IN THE TEMPER OVERLOAD FORUM. I'M FUCKING TIRED OF IT. I'm 21, will re-do (yes that's right) computer science next year, at the age of 22 (Cegep is for 17-20 year olds usually). I'll get out of there at the age of 24 ! If everything goes well !
yeh, lol you call it School? I'm in college now, then UNI next year! do you call it school all the way? until you finish your degree?
Well elementary school is called : École Primaire (Primary) High school is : École Secondaire (Secondary) After that, is it college for you guys ? We call it Cegep, which is an acronym for Collège d'enseignement general et professionnel, I think (which would be in English: Professionnal and General teaching college, or something like that) There you have two choices, you do a 2-year program that brings to university, or a 3-year program which will lead you to work. After that there's university, where you can do a BAC (4 years), a "Maitrise" (2 years more I think, which would be a master !?!), and then you do your "Doctorat", which is phd. Here in Quebec we do everything different so it's hard to compare. We're the only place in Canada who uses this system
lol same here I'm in my graduation year and like u im doing ICT also next year(network admin ) prob what I'm doing now is nothing compared to next year JUST 8 WEEKS AND VACATION!!!!
8 weeks ? 4 weeks here, plus 2 or 3 exams Next year will be fun, since I will do only my specific courses, and none of those philosophy, English, French courses !!
I got two cert exams that I'm required to take (not necessarily pass to pass the class tho), and get done the first part of May. After that, I've got 4 more courses, which I'm gonna take 2 at a time to make working 40hr/wk easier (gotta pay for that new car). There's one cumulative class I don't want to be taking alongside 3 other classes---and the only teacher for it isn't very good. Nice lady, horrible teacher.
I leave college on 27th may, I think after that I dont go back till sept, but have exams in June, will get my exam timetable soon. Can't wait cuz it will allow me to build the site further....and make it better.
my last exam June 26th its ICT exam but I leave on may 26th, so I might get to work then and revise at the same time, but college comes first, until my last exam...look forward to it...
Last day of class is May 12 for me. I gotta get some cert exams schedualed yet. I hope to pass at least one of them.
finished CEGEP 2 weeks ago and got my grades now. French (main language): 82% English (second language): 94% Volleyball: 83% Philosophy: 87% average of 86.5% can anyone beat that
i go to school. i take classes. i come home and try to get my 2700 to 2.3ghz. can' do it tho. ram is crap. seting the fsb:ram stuff ratio doesn't work. i like chemistry. i like trying to get my comp to restart without having to unplug it and plug it in again. i like amd. i DON'T like intel. i hope intel get squashed into the ground and amd takes over. i hope intel loses the mhz game. i like black cases.
Well, I'm a junior in high school, so I have a year and a half left of that.. Fuck. Then off to college for... 4 years, maybe 6? This sucks.
Filter? Are you running through a filtered router/proxy, or some horrible software filter, like *gasp!* AOL content filtering?!? ...Or did I misunderstand you altogether?
No. I still live at home with my folks (which should change later this year with the new job) and there's this annoying hardware firewall. Unfortunately for me, dad is pretty good with PC's, so it's pretty hard to get around that. Yes, I'm a loser. Software firewalls aren't that hard to deal with, and I'm not that desparate that I'm going to spend time trying to figure the password out. GayOHell? Thank god, no. Started off with them a few years ago, but they were dropped when they pulled a stunt trying to double bill us.