I have some code below which outputs a HTML table. The values in each cell come from a database. I want to add a function to the view and delete cell (marked in red) so when everytime a user clicks on it, it will do a SQL command i.e. "Delete * From ".$Dis. How can i do this?? Code: $temp = 1; while(!$rs->EOF){ $date = $rs->Fields("date1")->value; $time = $rs->Fields("Time1")->value; $Dis = $rs->Fields("table_name")->value; if ($temp1 == 1){ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'><b>Date</b>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'><b>Time</b>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'><b>TableName</b>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'>".$date; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'>".$time; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'>".$Dis; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'>[color=#FF0000]View";[/color] echo "</td>"; echo "<td><font size='-1'>[color=#FF0000]Delete";[/color] echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $temp = $temp + 1; $rs->MoveNext();
Well... i think you'll need an other column table with a link like (w w w . s omething.org/delete.php?id=3). Where ?id is a get variable. Then in your script (delete.php) you 'll run a delete query based on this id.