DVD burning question/hrlp needed... Ahoy Z365 peoples, I've got a dvd burning issue im looking for help with; my system is a P4 2.4GHZ, 512 DDR RAM, LG DVD-RW drive (+ and - with RAM capabilities but i dont bother with DVD RAM). Ive been trying to burn a collection of MPG/AVI/DIV/MOV files to a dvd, im using BulkPaq DVD+R 4.7GB discs. I am using Nero Buring ROM (not in express mode, ever, ever, full stop). version: The problems are varied: - Could not perform Lead-Out (before it starts burning) - Could not set DVD limits - Misc fails at 97% - Could not find DVD limits... ive had one or two successful burns in 14 attempts. is there any other software to try (freeware)? any recomendations or mods for nero? ive heard the media im using is prety crap... any help would be super! thanks, Crim.
I would try some different media just to be sure. Offhand, I don't know of any Freeware to use to burn. I've heard good things about Alcohol 120%j, but haven't used it.
I also have heard things about alcohol... I'll have to google it, but idealy i was after a solution which wouldnt requier any further investment in the already sunk ship.
ahh i can be of some help here, the LG Dual Layer DVD-RW doesn't like some media, i have a: LG 8x DVD Dual Layer DVD-RW, i to used Bulkpaq, and they don't work with my DVD-RW, i've also tried it in an NEC 1300A and it didn't like them. The discs are generally just shit i think, if you want great value for money and DVD-R's that will work every time, without a fault goto: www.ebuyer.co.uk (UK) or www.ebuyer.com (US) and search for: Datawrite DVD-R 4X or 8X Media you can get 25 for 9 Pounds including Delivery!! also.. if you are still having problems, try updating the firmware for your DVD-RW.
My burner is not a dual layer, but it is LG and it dose look to be the same class with the same problems you had. So its come down to my media being shit, i was afarid of this. i got the burner and the media from ebuyer.co.uk and was rather pleased with the deal (even though the beige front clashes with my sexy black case). No idea how to update the firmware on my OEM drive. didnt get any versions or details with it, if you can help there that would be uber too. many thanks, and i am going to try some infiniti DVD+R's. my friend bought 250 on ebay for £99 --> a terrabyte of storage! will sponge a few and try them. thanks, Crim
pr0n, is that like porn for people who cant type? joke. that looks remarkably liek the drive i have! investigation ahoy! ... Yes that is the drive i have (GSA-4081B)... however the link to the download for the newer firmware is broken... any suggestions?
http://tdb.rpc1.org/#GSA4081B found this, wasnt sure what to download... went for the last one (W104)... thoughts (am runing xp)? looks like its working... Am off to reboot!
let us know if it improves anything! Edit: hehe, looks like bad media, once you try some thing of better quality, we cant blame the writer yet
i used to have alcohol and i would recommend it. its good. i didnt burn hundreds of cdrs with it due to my burner just stopped working but i didnt haev one error with it.
ill try alcohol and tell you how that goes. while downloading... any thoughts onhow to convert 10 240MB MPG's into dvd player readable chapters?
DVD's can be read by using either: .VOB files... or .MPEG Layer 2 Files.. so you need to convert them.. now i spent around 2 weeks searching through loads of different programs.. basically there are no "1 click dvd authoring and conversion programs" that work decently. what you want to do is download is TMPEG, however this is like 7 complicated programs in one.. and it will take hours per one you convert.. so it's really not worth it.. what you want to do is get a program that will convert your .mpg files to avi, then from avi to mpeg (as the conversion between avi to mpeg is alot simpler) to do this i can suggest several programs: Click Here to use those ^^ files you need a program called bittorrent. (and thats how im leaving it as im not sure what the rules are on this type of topic) (google it ) if you want a program that will purely backup your dvd's the best program i have found is: CloneDVD its fantastic ^^ using the search above im sure you could find a link to it. if you get clonedvd you really should run: ANYdvd by a company called slysoft. (this will remove the regions and css keys so that you can make your "legit" backups of your dvd's so they dont get scratched ) hope this helps. (personally i don't download films or tv shows or any of the such.. at all) i find it alot easier to goto my local video shop and just watch it on my computer which happens to have a DVD-RW (not that its relevant).. using the software i just said (clonedvd e.t.c)
Info overload there. I will have to invistigate it when i get back home onto my pc. I know all about BT, its (imho) the best P2P system around. and no, i dont download ay illegal materials what so ever. wouldnt know what kazaa is. will look into those programs. thanks loads.
u can get me over msn: [email protected] or irc: #Team-Destiny on Quakenet if you need better explanation