It always sends me to an error page when I try to send score. This is annoying coz its done it about 3 times when I've had a high score.
Not playing it when I click submit score at the end. Me and a friend both got it in school and then I got it when I was at home as well. Ill try again now and post back.
Damn it submitted perfectly the onli time i didnt get a high score oh well nvm then thanks for the help
After immediately getin the high score i played again and got a score of 6300 as before I got this screen.
I played the game about six times to test ...and it worked fine till I got over 6000 ( 6125 to be exact ) then i got an error screen. Maybe it's fickle when you score too much? just tried it again with just over 5000 and got the "404 not found" error message!
Why bother, Sniper ? with all the games you've added, does it really matter if 1 game doesn't display the true high scores. I just played it to see if it would happen to me, but if it's popular and can't be fixed it can still be played.