If anyone can help, when I play Battlefield 2 I randomly get a BSOD then my PC restarts and all my game settings reset, I used to overclock but I ran it at stock speeds- I still get the same, and I tried the latest drivers, and the latest beta drivers- same thing. I'm not sure if it could be because of a joypad I'm using I am running Vista Ultimate x64 and the joypad is a USB-Playstation 2 adapter by "Venom"- no drivers needed, but when I plugged it into 1 of the front USB ports it said that the device has malfunctioned, so I tried it in the back and now it works ok. I'm not sure if i get the BSOD without the adapter but could there be any other possible causes? If I was to get into a jet and fly fast it would 9/10 times cause the BSOD sorry I'm not too good at explaining things but I just feel like my PC is falling apart, it's not a temperature issue as I'm leaving it at stock clocks, all on high settings 1280x1024, I used to have it at 4xAA but I turned it off to be safe until I find out whats wrong, my specs are: Athlon 64 3000- oc'd to 2.4Ghz 2GB of cheap RAM (2 pairs by different manufactuers- Kingmax and Elixr) MSI 8600GT stock clocks Raptor 74GB I hope someone knows what it could be, if anyone needs more info I'll give it, thanks for any advice
What kind of BSOD do you get? Examples: irql_not_less_or_equal page_fault_in_non_paged_area And are there drivers (files with .sys extension) displayed on the bottom of the screen?
Hi thanks for the reply, to be honest the blue screen is very quick- it lasts about 3 seconds then it restarts the comp, when it happens again I will keep a sharp eye out, all I know is that it says something about memory dump on the blue screen at the bottom and it goes from 0-100% quickly then restarts I will try recording it on my phone and see if I can read anything
Right-click on My Computer and go to Properties. Click on Advanced and at Startup and Recovery click on Settings. Uncheck Automatically Restart and click on OK. Now the blue screen should stay until you reset your PC.
Ok thanks I have done that and will try it now- if I haven't replied in about half hour I will tomorrow as I'm going out in a minute thanks for the help
Ok it hasn't happened for a while but it did just now, the Blue screen said STOP: with lots of 0XFFFFFFC0000000005 numbers then it said at the bottom: dxgkrnl.sys- address with lots of numbers at the end any ideas? or are the big numbers important?
That is the DirectX kernel, that is crashing. Try to install the latest drivers of your video card and sound card. And reïnstall DirectX.
Thanks I have tried re-installing the drivers lots of times and no joy, I tried the beta and latest official drivers, the sound drivers are AC'97 and are up to date, I tried Googling how to re-install DX but it seems a bit complicated as it won't let me reinstall it just says it's up to date no installation necessary- I can't boot into safe mode btw just in case I need to- it only lets me go into it after a BSOD, one more thing in case it matters- the blue screen in Battlefield 2 happens much more often if I have anti-aliasing enabled, the game usually runs fine with it on, even 4X AA with my card all on high, but it would run smoothly and start skipping just before blue screen, but I had it off yesterday and it was running at really fast FPS for hours then skipped and froze then blue screen- I tried googling the dxkrnl.sys and people don't seem to have any definate answers that I can find I used to have an old Radeon X550 before the 8600GT and I never once got the blue screen- I was running 1280x1024 all low, could it maybe a heat thing? but if it was that i suppose the dxkrnl wouldn't appear? Im confused lol nothing seems wrong with my drivers, is there a program that can check if theres anything wrong with any of them? thanks for any help
go to Start > Run and enter DXDIAG. Click on each of the tabs, and check below at Notes, if there are problems found. First press the " button and then the i button.
Is it possible for my card to overheat even with no overclocking? I am downloading the AC'97 drivers again I will reinstall them in a minute p.s I really hope it is a driver issue not an anti-aliasing problem as I really want to play the game with 2xAA- it doesn't affect the frame rate at all but it seems to cause the BSOD more
Go to Command Prompt and enter Code: sfc /scannow Be sure to have your installation disc of Windows in the area, as it might need the disc when performing repairs. sure, you're welcome That is possible if the case has a bad airflow. But this problem is caused by a device driver, because the BSOD is referring to it. If your card would overheat, in most cases you'll get the No Signal message on the screen.
Jeez Rhoch, give others a chance to shine Everything Rhoch has said has been correct. One thing I'd like to add is about driver installation. You should uninstall your current driver, run a driver/registration cleaner, then install the latest driver for your card. Without running the cleaner there is a chance for the driver files having conflicts. And then reinstalling DX would be the second thing I'd do. Edit: Giving Rhoc a desearved thanks.
Ok I ran sfc /scannow and it said- Windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them
Ok I tried that and didn't know what to do to be honest- it just came up with a list of commands, I tried uninstalling nVidia drivers, going into safe mode and cleaning my old ATI drivers, and the nVidia ones, then re-installed nVidia latest ones again, and now I got blue screen before I even got into a game (at the menu) but it didn't mention the dxgkrnl.sys it just said STOP: with lots of 000000000000000000's- I am a pain aren't I? lol
Use this guide to remove nvidia drivers: Info: nVidia Driver Cleaning Guide - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net It's for XP, but Vista works the similar way. Then reboot. You should see a low resolution (large mouse pointer), and later on the message New Hardware Found. Cancel it, and then install the latest nvidia driver.
I did that already- still the same, this is a nightmare I'm tempted to re-install Windows but I don't want to go through it all if it could be fixed it would take ages, so so far I have tried: Cleaning drivers and re-install Re- install sound drivers Done the commands you told me Updated motherboard drivers Scanned for viruses I don't really know what else to try, does it mean anything when I get the blue screen saying STOP 0000x0000000 etc but no other message (the .sys message etc)?
When I run the dxdiag, it says that my 8600GT has approx 1008MB memory, I know it's a 256 card but would the sharing memory do anything? Sorry for all the questions but this hasn't happened on any other game other than Battlfield 2 it's just frustrating