Hey all, I recently aquired an old AMD K6-2 300Mhz, 320MB RAM, 6GBHDD machine and want to run college linux 9.1 on it but i can't find a boot floppy for that distro! As the computer does'nt support CD-ROM boot i need a floppy image! Anyone know where to get one from? Direct links would be good if possible. EDIT: Forgot to mention that the college linux website denies me access, operation timed out or some crap! So that's a no go Thanks pelvis_3
Sorry, I've been trying to connect to www.collegelinux.org all day, but it seems they've hit a patch of downtime. Debian also has a floppy install method, have you tried that?
I've been reading that College Linux is no more so that's probably why i can't connect to it! No i haven't tried that yet could you point me in the direction please?
This might be what you're looking for. But Debian isn't very easy for a new Linux user to install. If I was you, I'd check out VectorLinux. Vector, based on Slackware Linux, is a fast and moderately user-friendly Linux distro that is pretty modern yet should run fairly quickly on older hardware. There's a wiki page which covers installation methods, including booting from floppy. -AT
Thanks AT, i tried the Debian image and it would'nt accept it as i'm trying to install College! But i have no fear, i will install IP COP and make it a firewall providing ipcop has a boot floppy avaliable! I was going to install smoothwall but evreybody is raving about IP COP so i'll give it a try! I'll also check out that Vector Linux as i have some more old machines lined up!
From the IPCop documentation: ______________________________________________ 1.5.3. Creating Floppy Disks From Images If your IPCop PC has a CD-ROM, but your BIOS will not allow a CD-ROM boot, you will need to create a floppy boot disk. If your IPCop PC does not have a CD-ROM, you will need to create both the floppy boot disk and the driver floppy disk. Both images reside in the /images directory on the ISO image. Creating Floppies On *nix and Macintosh OS X On Linux, Unix and Macintosh OS X systems, creating the floppies can be done from a terminal window with the dd command: Code: # dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/boot-1.4.0.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440 Use the same command with if= pointing to the driver disk image to create the driver floppy, if needed. Creating Floppies on Windows Two utilities are provided in the /dosutils directory on the CD and its ISO image. These are rawrite.exe and rawwritewin.exe. rawrite.exe is a DOS based command that can be used to create floppies from the .img files in the /images directory. Similarly, rawwritewin.exe is a windows executable that you can run under Windows to create the floppy disks from the disk images on the CD.
Already onto it AT Downloaded IP Cop and made the boot disk (downloaded the instructions off the IP Cop website) so now i gotta wait until tomorrow when i buy a network card for the old computer, so i'll post back when it's all up and running! Thanks Again
Well i'm back! IP Cop is just EXCELLENT, installed in 10 minutes flat, configured my network card properly, modem installation was a breeze and best of all it's more SECURE and FASTER than that ZoneAlarm crap! If anyone asks about IP Cop, expect a recommendation from me