CoolMon is a program for monitoring vital system stats and almost anything else you wish to display on the desktop. It can also display stats from remote pc's and publish real-time stats on a webpage. The application can display CPU, RAM and page file usage, hard drive usage, MotherBoard Monitor temperatures and fan speeds, various network stats and much, much more. List of items fixed or added in this release: Remove the declaration of LPL_SysUtils in CoolInfo_options.pas (SOURCE). Removed dirty fix for Filedata disappearing shortly (No fix, the problem is back). Added "ByPass Confirm" option. Fixed "-noresmove" bug. Redesigned "Display Items" dialog. Fixed a "Pin To Desktop" bug (however not THE bug). Fixed FileData line position, zero is now the last line. Fixed "Cannot read Option_X" bug. Fixed Link from file error. Download CoolMon. Source: Winbeta