A Danish security firm, Secunia, has published a proof of concept of truly horrible exploit in Microsoft's Windows XP, SP2. [Cue shock and awe] Apparantly even with all of the latest security patches applied, behind a firewall and with an antivirus, all an XP-SP2 user has to do is visit a malformed webpage in IE (could even be a popup!) and their system can be instantly compromised. Read the thing for yourself. As for me, I'll stick to my free yet hard to Pwn operating system.
Wow. A big security flaw in XP SP2?!!! A microsoft product?!! I am soo surprised. Although I don't have much choice in OS I'll stick with my Firefox.
Well at least im using firefox...............id switch to linux if there wasnt the issue with prgram compatabilty and the fact all my programs wudnt work on linux