Today the antenna I'm supposed to be tracking with is down for repairs, so I have nothing to do but post on HardwareForums or chat on GAIM. Pitiful way to earn a paycheck, eh? So here I am at work, sitting in front of one of the worst workstations I've ever had the misfortune of being assigned to. It's a Dell OptiPlex GX100... for all you non-Dell fans, this bad mutha's got a super-beefy 450MHz Celeron, a whopping 128MB of PC-100, and a FPS-shattering i810 graphics controller that shares 4MB of that 128MBs of system RAM. It's great because when I want to check my mail, I can go brew a pot of coffee, take a bathroom break, chat with the next cubicle over, and catch up on some light reading before it's done. :read:
Boy, you've got more power than you know what to do with. I'd say, go overclock it, but it's a Dell and I'd bet that the BIOS is locked out anyway.
Why overclock it? I can FEEL THE POWER RIGHT NOW!!! .... (yes, the BIOS is locked, and so are the multipliers on the Celly)
Wow, I hope you're not speaking from experience, Big B? ...Hey, wait a minute mean IE6 isn't a test only browser?!?
Yeah, text browsers Did a little bit in a basic Unix class I took. I've never been a fan of command line and text only stuff. Must mean I'm not some 1337 h4><0r d00d.
hmm there is hope yet.... im still at skool and the computers at skool are pretty much the same but with 64mb ram and a 350mhz and they expect us to be able to open up word type a 24 word letter in 45 mins (it taks that to open the program) any way the are dell somthin like of goverement computers or sumthin the BIOS was locked but it isnt now. there is a bios unlocker out ther i cant remember wat it is called but you can boot it from a floppy. and if you cant find that there is always Couner Strike (a lower version like 1.1 or sumthing) runs well on peices of shit like that and i guess you are on a network so give it to ya mates as well
This isn't school, my little Aussie friend I could be canned, sacked, fired, downsized.... you get the picture. I'd be cleaning out my desk in 2 minutes flat if I hacked my CMOS. It's just not worth the risk / effort / bother.