I installed DSL on a spare HP 2.5ghz Celeron, 256mb RAM, and 40gb HD. I can't quite get my sharing setup though. I know I have to edit a config file, but I forget which. Thanks in advance
File Sharing and More DSL is a Debian-based distribution, so treat it like Debian. If you're sharing files with Windows systems, you'll need the Samba server package. Code: apt-get install samba ...then you'll need to add users to both Linux and to Samba, edit your /etc/samba/smb.conf file, and set the UNIX privileges on your shared folder(s). It's actually more simple than it sounds, and you have a great deal of control over the whole process. For simplification and automation purposes, I have written simple shell scripts which add users to Linux and Samba simultaneously, creating their homes and settings variables all in one easy command. Another shell script removes the user from both the system and from Samba thoroughly, including their home directory. If you're interested I can show you how a simple smb.conf works by dissecting my own, and I can also post my shell scripts for you if they'll help (they are released under the GPL). -AT