Mkay. you know that part of the fan that faces you and actuall holds the fins in place and spins? i need a good way to get that off. i know theres like a little plastic ring that holds it in place but whenever i try and pry the little booger off with a knife or razor blade or flathead screwdriver it always ends up chewed to poopay. what would be a better way of getting that dastardly piece of plastic off without pooping it up?
oh yeah and one more thing. NOTHING ON MY PCI BUS IS OWRKING ARGH!!! i hate my pc with a flaming passion of death fulll passions..yeeeeeaaaahhhh anything i should do?!
Hmmm. Not sure, but likely there are tabs holding the blade assembly on the motor, and will just need to be pried off. PCI bus not working. Are you overclocking? Except for the i865/i875P and nForce 2 chipsets, most chipsets don't come with lockable PCI and AGP busses. Overclock them too much (about 40MHz on the PCI bus), and you can see devices start to have a fit, particularly any IDE controllers. If it is the i865/i875P or nF2, go ahead and set the PCI to 33MHz and AGP to 66MHz.