Get Firefox! Download it here Enable HTTP Pipelining This will make a Massive difference to your browsing speed and is very simple to do! type "about:config" in the address bar of firefox, push enter. Enter "Pipe" into the Filter bar (the last step loads a local configuration page). To Enable an option or change its value, double click it. Enable "network.http.pipelining" change the value of "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" from 4 to 100 Enable "network.http.proxy.pipelining" Try it! this tweak turns firefox into a speeding bullet! Note: This is for high bandwidth users, If Your on Dial-up DO NOT increase the value "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to 100! experament and see what value is best for you (its likely to between 4-20). Render Pages immediately This tweak changes amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives to zero! Type "about:config" into the address bar of firefox. push enter Right click anywhere on the page that has loaded, select New, Then Integer Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to 0 NOTE: Don't use this on older/slow computers, pages will take LONGER to render. Blocking Adverts Adblock: "Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the Internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page? Install Adblock Plus now and get rid of them. Right-click on a banner and choose "Adblock" from the context menu - the banner won't be downloaded again. Or open Adblock Plus sidebar to see all elements of the page and block the banners. You can use filters with wild cards or even regular expressions to block complete banner factories." Adblock Filterset.G Updater: "This is a companion extension to Adblock and should be used in conjunction with it. This extension automatically downloads the latest version of Filterset.G every 4-7 days. Filterset.G is an excellent set of filters maintained by G for Adblock that blocks most ads on the Internet. In addition, this extension allows you to define your own set of filters that you can add along with Filterset.G during an update. To report missed ads or problems with the extension visit the support forums" Install extension Adblock Plus Install extension Adblock Filterset.G Updater Restart Firefox You will see a legal warning from Adblock, accept it. [But only if you agree!] You will also see a message from Filterset.G updater telling you that its updated the Blacklists (and White lists), choose not to be informed when it updates. CustomizeGoogle, make it your homepage "CustomizeGoogle is a Firefox extension that enhance Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam). All features are optional and easily configured from the options menu. View a short introduction movie at" install CustomizeGoogle and restart firefox. click "tools", then "CustomizeGoogle Options" The Options you use here are your personal choice, you don't need enable the Google ad blocking as that will be done by Adblock. StumbleUpon, ever get bored of browsing? "StumbleUpon lets you "channel surf" the best-reviewed sites on the web. It is a collaborative surfing tool for browsing, reviewing and sharing great sites with like-minded people. This helps you find interesting web pages you wouldn't think to search for." Basically, You create an account and select your interests. With the toolbar installed you click stumble and firefox will load a page which has been recommended by other users in one of your topics. Install StumbleUpon, you will need to create an account! ShowIP -Originally Posted by Matt555 Show the IP address of the current page in the status bar. It also allows querying custom services by IP (right mouse button) and Hostname (left mouse button), like whois, netcraft. Additionally you can copy the IP address to the clipboard. This extension was formerly known as ipv6ident. Install ShowIP X-Ray -Originally Posted by Matt555 One installed the X-Ray command is available by right-clicking as well as in the Tools menu. When applied to a page it can help you see how the document was constructed without having to go back and forth between the sourcecode and the page in your browser. Is that list made of li, dd or p elements? Is that an h3 tag or just some bolded text? X-Ray shows you what's beneath the surface of the page. Install X-Ray In my quest to make Firefox behave the way I want it (ie. more like Opera ), I've discovered two excellent plugins. NewsFox -Originally Posted by megamaced NewsFox is an embedded RSS news feeder. It opens inside Firefox as a tab and lets you view / manage all of your live bookmarks. It's similar to Opera's RSS handler and thats a very good thing indeed. Install NewFox New Tab Button On Tab Bar -Originally Posted by megamaced This is a really simple extension and it's a wonder why it isn't built into Firefox natively. Every tabbed browser should have a 'new tab' button by default :doh: Install New Tab Button On Tab Bar Other extensions you might like Google Advanced Operations Toolbar Advanced Google Dork MyspaceBar Mouse Gestures NoScript Gmail Manager Web Developer Toolbar ReloadEvery Allows you to refresh web pages at set time periods. DownThemAll mass download manager foxmarks Allows you to keep your bookmarks synced between multiple computers (or OS's) FoxyTunes Use Firefox to control common media players. extension, informs you if there any are know coupon / discount codes for the website you are on [ot] This OT box is being used for notes: There are some FF2 tweaks here that you might find useful, i will integrate them when i get a chance. There is a list of "20 must-have firefox extensions" HERE that are worth a look, will update the sticky soon. If anybody is willing to write mini-guides for the extensions (Setup and use age) they would be greatly appreciated, the "other extensions you might like" list is getting a bit long... PM them to me if you want to help out! (try to match the formatting that I've used so far, i can do that if you really cba ) [/ot]
I think that the speed tweaks can be achieved by using the extension FasterFox. I'd also recommend NoScript, for the paranoid using Windows! As well as Mouse Gestures, they rock.
Yeah, forgot to mention i will add any other extensions that are reccomended (with simple instructions on how to install/use them). Hopefully i will get a chance to finish this tonight.
I recommend:- BlueFrog Anti-Spam - Filters your GMail, Hotmail & Yahoo for spam and reports back to the sender! ShowIP - Shows the IP(s) of the current web site you are visiting. SiteAdvisor - Gives information of a site that you are visiting - e.g. Bad Downloads, Bad Rep, Bad Links & Good Downloads, Good Rep etc etc. NoScript - Gives the option to forbid Java, Macromedia Flash & Other plugins, from the web site you are visiting. These are very good extensions that I use all the time, hopefully you can add them to the list!
They will be added :> just got back, so there's no chance im going to get anything doen on this tonight.... i doubt i will 2moz ether! im being bullied by my parents atm to study, but i swear i will have this done by monday people! [when its in my sig its done :>]
A question for everyone.... should links point toward the extension page, or directly to the extension? with the second option, when you clicked the link it would bring up the "software installation" box askign if you want to install it. i could also link to the extension PAGES in the description! Also, should i include extensions that are NOT from ??? it could be a security/privacy issue.
I would link to the Extension's page, and not the Extension itself. Some sites don't like people doing this. You can include links to non Mozilla Extensions, but make it clear that they are not genuine Mozilla software.
ah dam, ive lost the Edit option.... somebody help! (or should i just start a new thread, with the complete guide?)
DownThemAll -- Mass downloading with a single click (see attached screenshot). [strike]Gmail Manager -- Integrate your Gmail account with Firefox.[/strike]
Some sites contains so many extensions and it will be very difficult to find out which one to download. What I would do is Specify that these addons are not from Mozzilla website then give the direct link and write the source page at the end as I do usually.
Links have been added again! there are a few more recomended extensions aswell PM me / Post here if you have any suggestions or extensions i have missed out!
Adblock - "Once installed, it's a snap to filter elements at their source-address. Just right-click: Adblock: done. Filters use either the wildcard character (*) or full Regular Expression syntax. Hit the status-element and see what has or hasn't been blocked." Normally FF manages to get rid of a good percent of popups but with Adblock It's 100% free popup browsing.(at least for me, I don't know how much porn you guys download )
This will make a Massive difference to your browsing speed and is very simple to do! type "about:config" in the address bar of firefox, push enter. Enter "Pipe" into the Filter bar (the last step loads a local configuration page). To Enable an option or change its value, double click it. Enable "network.http.pipelining" change the value of "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" from 4 to 100 Enable "network.http.proxy.pipelining" Try it! this tweak turns firefox into a speeding bullet! Thanks very much for the useful post. I'm trying to make the above changes in Mandriva 2006. Are these tweaks applicable to Linux? I ask because when you say 'Enable' the 3 abovementioned values after double-clicking on them, the only options I get are 'Default' and 'User Set' Would selecting 'User Set' be what you mean by Enable'? I'm very new to this sort of thing, so forgive the ignorance.
I Wrote the Guide in linux! Your looking at the wrong colum There should be four colums, "Preference Name, Status, Type, Value" and on the end of the bar there is a small square, if you dont have all the colums just mentioned click it and make sure the first 3 options are checked, and then click the 4th does that help?
I think I was looking in thr right place first off. Anyway, thanks, it now seems considerably faster. Please see screenshot of how the configuration looks for confirmation. All 3 options are checked in the small square on the end of the bar (although these do not show up in the screenshot).
Yup, You've done that one successfuly! i would also reccoemnd [Below] as it removes the pause between recieving content and starting to display it.... by defualt forefox waits 250ms (1/4 of a second) Render Pages immediately This tweak changes amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives to zero! Type "about:config" into the address bar of firefox. push enter Right click anywhere on the page that has loaded, select New, Then Integer Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to 0