I have recently bought a firewire cable hoping to burn all of my videos which can only be watched on a video camera onto a dvd. I am using windows movie maker. I have plugged the cable into the pc and video camera turned the camera onto play and then clicked capture from video device. It then says 'A video capture device was not detected. Verify that the device was turned on and connected properly, and then try again'. I have tried this and it still doesnt work. Do i need a driver or software or is it something else all together. Thanks Jimmy
sorry found it i have installed it and it still doesnt work on the program it says video camera not found
When you plug your camcorder in do you get either new hardware found, or if you goto "My Computer" do you see an IE1394 drive showing up?
i dont get anything up and when i go into my computer i just see harddrive, cd drive and four removable drives which is because i have a 9 in 1 media card reader
Ok since the computer is totally not seeing the camera I'm guessing one of two things, either a faulty Firewire cable or their may be a specific setting you have to have your camcorder set to to have it transmit out the firewire port. What brand and model of camera do you have I'll do some searching and see if I can come up with anything.
i know its a JVC but im not sure what model it is but on the instruction manual it says GR-D31 and GR-D21 but not sure which one
I would check your firewire card personally. if u have a scanner or printer that uses one try pluggin it in to see if the things are recogized. sounds like ur fw isnt active. i have had tons of probs with fw cards. my buddy put one into his new puter and it just started smoking and sizzling. brand new and out of the box :-/
the two usb ports that are also on the firewire card i used recently could it still be locked up on the bios though