Hi i'm looking for a good, easy on the eye, and easy to use forum builder for a mate. Any suggestions? Cheers, Matt
That seems good although I havn't tried it. You also have the option for www.phpbbforfree.com which uses the PHPBB forum software. I've used it and it seems easy to get going.
proboards is so basic, i have a forum of my own, its dead now tho, at 8,000 posts, it never took off really na you want a vbullitin board, or invision free.
vBulletin is very good (as you can see) but its expensive. Its very customisable though, and i like the layout. Not too into phpbb since you cant see the last reply posted.
the best most versitile I've found that doesn't take much knowledge is Forumotion.com It's free and very easy to use. (I've tried like all of them, I'm a forum freak) I've tried invisionfree but found it more confusing than Forumotion. That's just my personal opinion though.