Just wondering if the HWF server is overloading?! Due to the popularity of this place? I've noticed that in the last few days, traveling around the forums is slow. Today at work, it took about a minute to load every page! And now at home, I am experiencing very slow access to these forums! Anyone else experienced this, or am I getting too impatient?
Seems fine to me, if you think this is laggy try using an online RPG game like Torn city. Sometimes lag gets so bad the browser gives a timed out error.
Fast surfin' for me, but when i click a forum link (any link, doesn't matter where in the forums it is), my browser will freeze for 5-10 seconds and then load the page. This still happens after a re-install of windows and changing from dialup to broadband.
That's very odd as I've had that 10+ second delay thing too. I figured it was because of the whole viral hdd thing in combination with dial up but if you guys are having similar troubles I don't feel as bad. I doesn't happen with all sites but definately gamespot and HWF's.
I get it too, it's not annoying but when you're trying to find/do something quickly it can be a bit of a pain in the a$$.
I can browse this site pretty fast at home now But it's been dreadfully slow at work over the last few days. My work uses a proxy server - Micro$oft Proxy Server 2.0 to be exact. I'll bet it's that damn Micro$oft product thats causing the problems. :x:
It's always slow. I've browsed the forums on three computers and they all do the same 10 second delay.
Right now the lag for me to load the home page: 3-3.5 seconds. It is a lot slower at school, but all websites are school are slow.
I get lag, but i only have to wait about 2's extra *looks at sniper with envy* i can only get 2MBit :crying: Can i view the "Subscribed Threads" + "Unanswered Threads" pages as plain html? Ie A list of links that are bolded/not bolded!
I don't notice much lag on this server at all...However I have noticed in FireFox(1.5, haven't noticed this with other versions) if you're doing a lot of tabbed browsing, the app seems to freeze for a good 5-10 seconds. Maybe that's the problem some of you are having?