First off, to overclock you need memory that is preferably capable of the FSB you will be overclocking your memory to. You have PC3200, this is capable of running @ 200Mhz FSB (DDR400). What make is it? because unless its a good solid stable make / brand, you may only get a maximum of 210-220Mhz from your FSB. (not alot). What you should do is this: Increase your memories Latency timings to: 3-4-4-8 2T - this is a slow latency, and will decrease performance, BUT and its an important but, it will erradicate the posibility of your overclock failing due to your memory timings being to fast for the overclock you are trying to use. Now set your CPU:FSB Ratio to 3:2 or something higher, this will underclock your Processors clock speed, but keep your memory running the same (from 200Mhz & upwards when u overclock). - This means you won't risk damaging your CPU from a bad overclock, or heat issues. Second, without increasing your voltage of your cpu, try overclocking the memory's FSB as far as you can go in 2Mhz increments (2Mhz at a time), rebooting and trying Windows + 3D Games for 10 - 15 minutes solid. (run a disk defrag in the back ground as well). Now once you find it becomes unstable, underclock it to the previous overclock that was stable. Now what you'll want to do is increase the Voltage thats supplied to your memory "Vdimm) (don't go higher than 2.8V as this is unsafe for generic or standard non overclocking memory). Now increase the Voltage by one step, from 1.4V to 1.425V, now increase the memories FSB by 2Mhz increments until you find another unstable overclock. Underclock again, and go back to a stable FSB setting, now increase the memory.. to 1.45V, now overclock again.. underclock, increase voltage, overclock. Carry on doing this until you find the maximum stable overclock of your memories FSB. Now once you find your maximum FSB Overclock, decrease it by 4 - 6MHz FSB increments just to be safe. Now make sure you have a good CPU Cooler and good air flow through your system, and change the CPU Ratio from 3:2 or what ever so the ratio between the two becomes smaller and smaller. Start increasing the FSB of your CPU in 2Mhz Increments until you find an unstable overclock, now take it back to the last stable overclock you found and increase the Voltage to the CPU by 0.025 (VCore). And do the same method as used above in the memory. CPU : FSB 1 : 1 = CPU FSB runs at the same as whatever the memory FSB is set to. 3 : 2 = CPU FSB runs at 60% of whatever the memory FSB is set to
im sure if i got there i could do it, but how exactly do i get to what your talking, lol? do i have to take the PC apart, or can i do it from outside the PC?
A basic understanding of the way data is tranferred between the ram, cpu, and chipset is a place to start. The pci bus is something which quite often holds you up but rarely gets mentioned! Ive always intended on doing an overlclocking guide but have never bothered. I was going to start with a Pentium Pro example... where overclocking really mattered! All these multipliers and and things make it a right headache for newbies.... as for the AMDs with HTT.:doh:
These days, your overclocking is typically done through BIOS, although many companies are offering programs that run under Windows on their motherboard CD's.
Hi, My Confi Is Amd Athlon 64 Processor 3000+ 1.80ghz, 512 Ram, Nvidia Geforce Xfx 256mb Graphic Card Asus Motherboard Is It Possible To Overclock My Pc. Any Suggesions ? And I Want To Know The Benefit Of Overclocking...?
ajuvarghis, can you get into your Bios ? check there for your FSB ( Front side Bus ) Multiplier and just increase it just a little, If you go to far it will just down your pc, Then you will have to pull the Bios battery out and reset..