I saw on one of the downloading (http://www.linuxiso.org/index.php) sites that you have the option of images for i386 or i586. Sorry to sound really ignorant but which is my system? I use an Intel P4 based system. Thanks
A P4 system will be an i586 out of them two. Its the way the program is compiled and optimized i believe.
i386 packages are compiled with the options/instructions which an Intel 80386 (+equivalent) will run. They will also run on 486, pentium, ... i586 are 'optimised' for a pentium class processor (i.e. use new istructions and options) They will run on equivalents but not 80386/486. i686 (or IA64) are for the new 64bit chips. The above was borrowed from SUSE's website.
And that's not necissarily the whole of it. i386 can also be used as a generic indicator of generic x86 compatibility, and can also include optional runtime optimizations for newer architrectures if supported. Depends on who built it.