Hi everybody, i hope your great now, i would like to know where can i find a good manual of ireport with jasperreport library. Or an example with a database connection data and her java class datasource where i can fill a jasper report file designed by the ireport. well, i have a jasper file designed by ireport, but i cant do the java datasource class that fills it from a database.. thats my real problem, can someone help me?... sorry if i confused...
Our resident Java expert isn't active anymore so we can't help you really on this one. I did find this tutorial if it may be of any help: http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/29309
Hi, I think the iReport article on Creating and Designing Report Using iReport - Part 1: ASP Alliance may be helpful in this discussion. This popular white paper is written by a software engineer from our organization Mindfire Solutions (Offshore Outsourcing Software Company in India). I hope you find it useful! Cheers, Byapti
Hello everyone, I am supposed to design iReports with oracle as the database... is there any good documentation available which tells me how to create subreports, use charts and graphics etc? Please let me know. Thanks
Good tutorial on ur requirement is available on iReport Tutorial: iReport : Subreport It will surely help u...Bye..