Yes, everybody's favorite lawyer is after Microsoft. Why? "Here's the deal, Mr. Gates: Either Microsoft undertakes dramatic, real steps, through its marketing, wholesale, and retail operations to assure that Halo 3 is not sold, via the Internet and in stores, directly to anyone under 17, or I shall proceed to make sure that Microsoft is held to that standard by appropriate legal means. I have done that before successfully as to Best Buy, and I shall do so again as to Microsoft and all retailers of Halo 3." From Slashdot. The only way Microsoft can do that is to not release Halo 3 and hope that nobody leaked anything. Microsoft not releasing Halo 3 is about the same as Nintendo dropping another Mario title. Who here doesn't want Microsoft to bury Thompson?
I'm hoping for a scenario where Thompson and Ballmer end up killing eachother in a brutal bloodsport of some kind, ridding the world of both their foul likenesses. Hmm, then again, maybe I just play too many violent video games?
I can just see Ballmer physically devouring Jack Thompson. "GET IN MY BELLY!" Plus, if he brings Gates into the matter, isn't this one of the richest people in the world? I think this man can afford an entire team of lawyers... Regardless, I see this being like someone giving the finger to a mafia Don and telling him, "I'm gonna bring you down, boy!" I can't see this ending well for Thompson if Microsoft really wants it too. The thing is, if Thompson is right about video games turning people into murderers, shouldn't we have several shootings per day? Additionally, things like going after Wendy's for selling Mario toys because the Wii will have Manhunt 2 on it definitely crosses the boundries of the absurd. I mean, gee, I'm sure your little daughter makes the immediate connection between a moustached plumber and some masked killer, right, AT? I can't wait to see what Penny Arcade will come up for this one.
"Devourers, devourers, devourers, devourers!" Steve Ballmer in Techno Developers! - Google Video Steve Ballmer is no slouch financially either: Steven Anthony Ballmer, The 400 Richest Americans - Just the other day we were having an in-depth discussion about nicomachaen ethics, debating rigorously on the impact of polygonal simulations of violence and their impact on young minds. :dry: