Sadly for anyone who planned on getting a LCD monitor this summer the prices are expected to rise, get it now before you pay extra! "It's the 17-inch LCD monitors that the manufacturers are pinning their hopes on, with prices showing a rise in April and expected to rise further during this and next month." more
The prices have been going down every month for some time now. Though it does say its the 17" version that are likely to increase. buy your LCD now
That's what I thought but I assumed they must know what they're talking about, I've notived a steady decline over the past year. Don't know whay the 17incher would increase though?
I dunno, probably not, though they cost about as much as my entire computer, which doesn't say much for either of them though it would be pretty sweet.
17" is considered the standard size I assume, its not small or big, just in between. Plus once you start going bigger the price starts to increase quite a bit.
Lol I have 21" crt tho.. So I want the same size (searched the net for ages for one - but my uncle wolulnt let me have one) but that doesnt use up as mch space as this big chunky thing
Cool, you're lucky!, that's 8" larger than what I'm using (piece of crap). Wish I had an uncle that would do things like that for me, though I did get dreamweaver and PS CS for free as I said before so I'm not complaining. Standard English Nic
17"s is very good for me. Large enough to do msot things without straining my eyes, as said before after you go past 19" ones the price goes increases exponentially.
I'm sorry Nic, I didn't intend to be mean, just joshin' with you bud. If I wasn't such an edit freak my posts would look worse than anyones.