I have tried to install Windows MCE 2005 and Windows Vista RC1 on my maxtor harddrive and the first step is going well...no problems...but when my computer restarts its just giving my a black screen when I try to go the further installation of windows from the harddrive? my installed windows is working, but it will not go to the further installation of the other windows versions...is my harddrive dead? In windows I can see all the setup files on the disk...but I can't get finished with install... Anyone there is having the same problem...hmm?? /Rechain
Its says there no errors is...I have cleaned the harddrive and tried again, but the same result everytime...in Norton Partition program I used chdsk and it was saying the file system was bad or something...I don't know what to do...do you know some programs to check the maxtor for errors? Just list some up, because I can't remember what program I have used... /Rechain
There is only one on that harddrive...I have not made more partitions yet...should I try that? Malfunctioning windows? Its not windows...I have tried MCE and Vista RC1...it wont boot up and do the last in installation after restart...I think its the harddrive... /Rechain
Yeah of course! Install each OS on a different partition. Multiple OSes on 1 partition can cause failures.
You missunderstanding...I have my XP (always working) on another harddrive... I have tried MCE 2005 on my Maxtor (don't boot up after restart) and Vista RC1 (don't boot up after restart) I just want to have Vista installed on my Maxtor harddrive, but I can't get it done after restart...black screen... No setup (XP or Vista) will go to the further installation FROM the harddrive after restart...its just give me the black screen and nothing more??? /Rechain
oh so you're installing vista on another harddrive. Well, to check it do the following. GO to command prompt (start > programs > accesoires> command promt). I assume that you're installing vista on the D: drive. SO then enter the following command: chkdsk D: /f . It will then check and restore errors on that harddisk.
Its not working...still black screen after restart...I can't just install a OS on that harddrive anymore?!? /Rechain
You could try to reinstall vista on that partition, but then format that harddrive with NTFS. If that doesn't work either, then your hardware might not be supported by Vista. For that, you could run the vista upgrade advisor on xp: Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor
I have installed XP and VISTA (beta2) on that harddrive for month ago and it don't work anymore (to install OS's on?) - I can only use it too store data...stupid harddrive...I found an old Samsung harddrive (bah - 8.4GB) and its working (Vista is installed) - no black screen after the first restart after installation...and it is NTFS format or els I could start the Vista setup and then let it restart... Im buying a new harddrive to install VISTA on when I buy the OS after summer... Until then I use XP (IBM hdd) and VISTA RC1 (samsung hdd) - Thx for help though /Rechain
Hello, how about some history of the drive that is failing? Where did it come from? Have you tested it before you tried it? What kind IST it? Is it a plain IDE or does it requires special drivers? Have you read some of the warnings on the Maxtor web site? There are known issues with some windows installs on some hard drives. And you have to be very careful about how you pin the drive and what kind of cable and all that kind of stuff.
The maxtor harddrive (ATA - IDE) come with the computer when I bought it and there has not been problems... I just think the HDD not's have it so good today because of a lot of change in my computer (hardware change) Right now I don't care...it works in windows and its fine for me...I have other HDD to Windows and data too... /Rechain
How long did u wait for when u say id doenst go further?? I thought Vista can only b able to install on a HDD with 10GB or bigger size... R U sure that its true that u've installed vista on 8.4GB HD? I would also suggest u what RHochstenbach has suggested....
1-2 hours (everytime) - black screen = nothing... Yes...Vista can run on 7.0GB but its recommend to use min. 10GB...Vista works fine...install says minimum 6889MB (something like that) Maybe I try that on my maxtor harddrive, but not now...I buy 2x320GB HDD in may or june...Vista is only for "looking" and see the cool features in the new OS...Im using XP on my IBM HDD for standard use (gaming) and my laptop for internet/gaming and other things... /Rechain
I only use Maxtor HDD for my data now...right now I have recovered files from my Samsung to my Maxtor...and in my Partition program the Samsung is BAD "BADMBR" - I can't format that HDD in that program? I can use the HDD in windows to files (149GB) but I can't acces it in Partition Magic??? How do I fix BADMBR?? Right now im having XP (IBM) and Vista (Old-Samsung) and data on Maxtor (120GB) and I now want to fix my New-Samsung "if I can" and try to install Vista on that harddrive (more space to windows) - its not bad sector on that HDD, it is Master Boot Record, right "BADMBR"? Restart, put XP cd in, choose recovery console, and write "fixmbr" on that HDD?? EDIT I have now been in Recovery console and do that "fixmbr" thing - It have a bad mbr now thats is done... EDIT2 Its still saying BADMBR about the newer SAMSUNG HDD in Partition Magic can't format it so I can try to install Vista on it...I can only use it in windows?!? What can I do about that?? Its says: Formatting partition E: (BADMBR, Primary volume, 152625,9MB on Disk:1) New label and type: (NTFS) Error #4 Bad argument/parameter EDIT3 New program "Paragon Hard Disk Manager 8" and something is weird??? The size on the HDD is 160GB!!! The program is saying this??? How can I fix this problem? Any ideas? I have deleted some partitions with that program now...in some partitions it was saying 9xxGB and 2xxxGB!!! My Samsung harddrive is only on 160GB and in Windows I can use 149GB of them...hope this can fix the HDD... Hmm...I can't remove "259.3GB Invalid" partition??? I can see in the program the HDD has a Geometry problem... /Rechain
Have you read this Seagate document? It also applies to other brands. http://www.seagate.com/support/kb/disc/tp/137gb.pdf
Maybe something has gone wrong in the partitioning. Tried to remove both partitions from that samsung drive, and then reapplying the partitions?? EDIT: I always use Acronis Disk Director for my partitioning needs.