Microsoft are now offering Virtual PC 2004 for free! Virtual PC is virtualisation software which makes it possible to run an Operating System inside another Operating System. In my case, I'm using Windows XP Professional as the host system and running a virtual version of Windows 98 on top of it. The great thing about this is that I don't have to install Windows 98 to benefit from the legacy software and games that will only run on that platform. Windows 98 installs on a virtual hard disk, which is basically one large file in the 'My Documents' folder. Removing Windows 98 is as simple as deleting that one file. Well done Microsoft! .... for once You can download it here About Virtual PC 2004 (From Microsoft Product Overview) Use Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 to run multiple operating systems at the same time on the same physical computer. Switch between virtual machines with the click of a button. Use virtual machines to run legacy applications, provide support, train users, and enhance quality assurance. Virtual PC lets you create separate virtual machines on your Windows desktop, each of which virtualizes the hardware of a complete physical computer. Use virtual machines to run operating systems such as MS-DOS®, Windows, and OS/2. You can run multiple operating systems at once on a single physical computer and switch between them as easily as switching applications—instantly, with a mouse click. Virtual PC is perfect for any scenario in which you need to support multiple operating systems, whether you use it for tech support, legacy application support, training, or just for consolidating physical computers. Benefits Virtual PC provides a time-saving and cost-saving solution anywhere users must run multiple operating systems. Use Virtual PC in the following scenarios: Ease Migration: Run legacy applications in a virtual machine instead of delaying the deployment of a new operating system just because of application incompatibility. Test your migration plans using virtual machines instead of actual physical computers. Do More in Less Time: Support staff can run multiple operating systems on a single physical computer and switch between them easily. They can also restore virtual machines to their previous state almost instantly. Train students on multiple operating systems and virtual networks instead of purchasing and supporting additional computers. Streamline Deployment: Test software on different operating systems more easily. One crashing application or operating system doesn’t affect others. Accelerate Development: Increase quality assurance by testing and documenting your software on multiple operating systems using virtual machines. Decrease time-to-market by reducing reconfiguration time.
My God, there must be a MASSIVE bug in it for them to give it away! That or they think people will buy another copy of Windows to run in it!
Don't tell anyone I said this, but I think it's *great* software. I'm shocked that Microsoft would give it away I've been running some old DOS games inside my Virtual installation of Win98
It is possible to run Linux inside Windows using Virtual PC 2004. This is ideal for somebody who wants something more permanent then a LiveCD, but not as permanent as a full install.
You managed to run old DOS games in it?? I tried to run 7th guest and 11th hour (I know there is a patch available, but the patch makes the game run as fast as your computer can handle, and with the games being 13-14 years old, it can be a problem) on Win98 but it just crashed.
Sorry, when I said DOS games I mean't Windows 9x games. For games as old as 13-14 years, you might want to get hold of Windows 3.1 or 95
I've attached a screenshot which should give you a better understanding of what virtualisation is. In the screenshot, I am running Windows XP Professional, and I am installing Windows 98 virtually. If I wanted to, I could make the Windows 98 box full screen. You need a reasonably powerful computer to do this on. I'm running a Pentium 3 1.0GHz with 384MB of RAM. I could run a virtual session of Windows XP, but my computer would probably buckle under running two version of XP at the same time
Its great software........Well done mega. I will install UBUNTU under XP now and get rid of 6 selections in the begining.~!
Great find mega. This isn't a replacement for having a linux installation, but it lets you try out a distro before you install it. Like LiveCD but faster when running.
Most likely a dumb question, But you still have to own the other OSes right? its not like windows is giving out free windows is it? Like if i want to switch to say win2000 i still have to buy win 2000 and install it under the virtual?
Exactly, you still need the original Windows licenses I'm currently installing Windows for Workgroups 3.11 via Virtual PC I haven't used it in years! I'll post some screenshots when it's done
BTW, if you are installing Win9x, you still have to use FDISK first to set up your partition and then format it. Don't worry, this will NOT partition your system drive.
You are partitioning a virtual hard disk. Think of it as a large ISO file. The file is stored in My Documents > My Virtual Machines > Whoa, running Windows 98 in full screen mode - it's as if it's actually installed on my computer!
You really think so? I somehow doubt it. I'd rather have Windows 3.11 than 98 or ME, because I've never tried it, but I don't really want to buy a copy from eBay.
LOL, Karni do you really think Microsoft would give Windows 98 away for free? C'mon, this is MS we are talking about. They never gave Windows 3.1 away, and that's almost 15 years old. The only reason they have decided to give away Virtual PC 2004 for free is because their direct competitor, VMware, have done so. It's just typical copy-cat tactics from Microsoft And on the topic of Windows 3.11, although it did work under Virtual PC, my hardware wasn't detected and installed properly. Probably because Windows 3.11 is 16-BIT and not compatible with the 32-BIT driver emulation provided by Virtual PC
There could be another tactic behind this. As you know that microsoft have launched EasyCare AV... and if they want to increase the market of their AV, then can sell their windows for free. This will divert the whole market towards microsofts AV. Which will bring them more revenue then selling Win98 and Me. I read an article in one magazine some times ago, which stated that more than 50% of the world is still on win me,98 and the previous versions. I dont think so, that more people will gona buy them now...
I'm posting this on Mandriva 2006 running IceWM inside Windows. I must say that VMware completely destroys Virtual PC. Its excellent, considering its running inside Windows, its fairly responsive.