How about some drink recepies? I'll start with an easy one: 1/2 Bailey's Irish Cream 1/2 Jameson Irish Whiskey Mix well.
once at a party, we mixed cherry soda, vanilla soda, tea, coffee, sprite,orange juice, milk and alot more stuff and we forced each other to drink it, of course tho... every1 threw up within 24 hours... including me... haha idk wat else, it kinda gets blurry from there haha
Smirnoff, WKD Blue, Coke, Diet Coke with Lime, scoop of vanilla ice cream. Weird tasting vanilla float, but still worth a go.
Mmmm, tasty. I usually find if I mix every drink together at McDonalds it ends up tasking so much better:good:
Vodka bacardi and Malibu with coke. All in a pint glass Can cost a bit when your out but its lovely!!
milk mixed with orange juice is nice, i havent tryed milk mixed with stuff like vodka tho . or try coke with a scoop of vanila ice cream in (vanilla float), lol if ya dunk the scoop of vanillia tottaly under the coke you find that most of the coke in the cup is no on the table cos it fizzes up that much. hmm i wonder what beer and a scoop of vanilla ice cream would taste like
Summer Bodka-Ade (a concuction of mine and my friends) Summer Fruits Juice, Budweiser, Vodka and CherryAde...strange but nice oh and Fanta-Berg-Ka... Fanta, Carlsberg and Vodka.... or just plain old Malibu and Coke.......YUM!
My heart stopped for a moment !!! Benedictine + high quality vodka = Belvedere, Chopin, Grey Goose, to name a few, but stricly forbidden are, but not limited to, Smirnoff, Troika and the like. I would go for 75% vodka 25% Benedictine but anything can be done I suppose. Both have 40% alcohol Also Golden Pear + Club Soda <-------- Girls absolutely LOVE it
Ok, lemme see if I can remember it from summer camp... "Twistang" Recipe includes: 1/4 cup of Mr. Pibb (Dr.Pepper, in other words) Dab of Coke Dab of Sprite Dab of Ginger Ale Dabs of random fruit juices, including: orange, fruit punch, grapefruit, lemonade, etc. Dabs of Orange Soda, Nestea, etc. Stir with little coffee stirring stick and taste. It's guuuddd. I wouldn't mind exchanging normal lemonade with the Mike's Hard variety, and adding a bit of rum, but hey, I would have had to pull some string at summer camp.
Hard Rootbeer Float Here's one I invented the other day for my wife: Hard Rootbeer Float 1 can root beer (brand of your preference) 2 fingers rum (between 1 & 2 shots, to taste) artificial vanilla vanilla-flavored non-dairy creamer collins glass crushed ice, if desired Pour the rum first, about 2 fingers worth (or to taste). You can't taste the rum at all, as it blends nicely with the sweetness of the rootbeer. Add a splash of the vanilla extract, and if you're going to add ice it's time to do so. Fill the rest with rootbeer and top off with a generous splash of non-dairy creamer. You can garnish with a cherry if you want to get fancy. Since the creamer is not real dairy, the rum will not curtle it, so you can drink this slowly if you like. Additionally, this drink will layer beautifully once the temperature of each ingredient has normalized.
[ot]I drank Rum with Water, I get drunk I drank Whisky with Water, I get drunk I drank Scotch with water, I get drunk. I stopped drinking water.... [/ot]
Tequila + cheap energy drinks (if you have a LIDL near you, there ones work well and there only 25p a can!) Malabu, Gin and coke. one of my fav concocktions that i drasnk recently was vodka jelly, southern comfort, beer, coke, quaility street chocolates, noodles, pizza crusts and ice... i had a whole 1.5 litre bowl of the stuff, i was absolutely 100% FUCK*** recked! lol however, the best way to make a drink is to a) find a large amount of different alchoohols (works best with spirirts b) take a little bit from each bottle c) add mixer if desired (ice allways makes thing taste a little better) yeah this is full of typo's, but i reallt cant be f**ked correcting them! im off to find more beer and smoke my way through the last of a half ounce poch of tobbaco (im skint, i cant afford my ushal 2 ounce packets... and i kept on losing them anyway, which is a real :swear: when you've only had it for a day) whoever staretd a thread on alchomichol here anyway, does no have nay idea that you should never be under the influence on a computer? its bad enuf down the pub.... were you can make a complete prat of yourself in front of 30 odd people, but OMFG on a computer you can make a prat of yourself to the whole world! lol talking of making a prat of yourself, has anyone (in the uk) seen the new goverment ant-alcohol advert? the ones with robocop in them... i thought they'd made a new movie, that woudl be halfway decent! lol (sorry, ive seen 4 robocop movies... all which sucked equally, well not quite.... they got worse and i changed disc) [ot] how do you speel the word witch describes a small, thin round object? is it disc or disk? [/ot] i tend to find that my drinking habits change on how im feeling, if i want to enjoy the drink i drink beer, if i want to enjoy the effects i drink a *hitload of poof juice (slang, here it refers to any drink where you cant taste the alchohol) as fast as possible, and then have a beer. not that i drink to get drunk, obviously, we all drink alchohol fro the taste! lol being 17, and needing to be 18 to buy/be served for alchohol in the uk can be a real pain the the arse, normally goes ok for me (pubs more than shops), whats it like in the rest of the world / country (im perthshire scotland). woaaa... ive been ranting !!!! I ONLY NOTICED (oops, caps lock) coz the spell checker in firefox2 was causing slight pauses between me pushing a key and it being displayed so its checking the word as i type it, tisk tisk... such a wast of resources.... why not check the whole paragraph when i stop typing! (saying that i havnt checked the options for it yet!) anyway, im gona go make something to eat, i'm muched! take care guys, what would i do if everyone on hardwareforums had an accident... wher woudl i go!!!! lol (if im not getting drunk, im working or on hwf and having a drink!). early hours suck, no1s online... so i guess that means im all alone and drinking! (whhooops, bad habit)... still, nothing liek christmas, i was druunk from christ mas to new year without stopping! lol take care:stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: