I've turned my website (not Desolate Designs) into a kind of personal blog site. I personally like the shoutbox from it, You can select whether or not you use your Username or Nickname for the shout. Whichever one you select it will put a note before the shout content to tell others what name you posted using. If you select the Nickname option and don't have a Nickname entered in your profile then it will select your Username as the author instead and make a note before the shout about the situation. I also like the smiley insert bit, I know it's done almost everywhere but it's a cool thing to get working, rather easy as well. Check it out! (and give me some feedback please)
Nice, like the colours! but the random quote is my fav "Im not as think as you drunk i am" << Edited, it was a typo! lol PS sorry bout my "life the universe and everything" comment!
Hehe I like that quote too, and I agree with your comment btw :good: EDIT: haha yeah Impotence in your post you got the quote wrong, in your signature it's right