hello, i downloaded this program MySLAX Creator, firstly i havent a clue how to use it. im downloading a 190mb SLAX iso file which im going to burn to cd. but wot is the MySLAX Creator program? I assume i just burn the ISO to cd and boot the cd to recover files on the hdd please could someone tell me how to use it
I think SLAX is a mini distribution of Slackware (Linux). It runs off a cd or pen drive, and possibly would be able to recover files, I've never tried it for that. For SLAX, check here You've just changed it! Yes, you assumed right, if you are using Windows, you could use Nero to burn the iso to a disk (make sure you don't copy the ISO to the disk, but something like "Burn Image to disc".
I don't know who suggested using SLAX, but its unnecessary. SLAX is a Linux distribution, a complete operating system. Try downloading and burning [google]Knoppix[/google] from the website. Download the latest stable .iso and burn it to a CD using a CD burning program. Boot from it and you'll be put into a live Linux system. From there, using the Konqueror file manager you can find the files you need and copy them to a pen drive etc.
am i right in thinking that SLAX is an operating system, if so will it detect my raid0 hdd so i can recover the files and do i need additional software to recover files? (or is it the slax setup i need to copy over to the operating system so i can install it there) sorry but i havent a single clue what im doing
Slax is a live Linux distro aswell, what's the difference? As to raid0, I'm not sure, I've never tried SLAX and raid (I've barely tried SLAX).
He's trying to use the MySlax creator. Why do that when you can download a CD version? Up to you whether you use Knoppix Live CD or SLAX live CD. But MySLAX creator isn't relevant.
SLAX wasn't created for recovering files. Linux live CDs can be used for that purpose, but they're not made to do it as the sole function. Once you've burned the linux iso to a CD, boot from it and when its all loaded, use the file manager to navigate to your windows partition where you can find your files. (If its not damaged beyond repair). Then its up to you how you recover, pen drive maybe?
Addis mentioned Knoppix somewhere above. Its dead easy to use. Your hard drive will appear on the desktop. Use K3b to burn your files to a disk. Ive used it on several computers for solely this task and its worked a treat everytime. No compatibility issues or anything like that.
dammit just how typical is this it seems fate doesnt want me to do this my nero cd is fcuked it wont install nero so cant burn anything ive found a program called "Recover it All Professional" v4.1.622 DEMO im gona try that ive looked for Knoppix in torrents so im getting that to try it too, in pirate bay it said "knoppix std" 496MB so we'll see
Hang on newpaws. Get the Alcohol 120% demo. Its great for burning .iso Alcohol Soft trial version download It doesnt have any limitations And knoppix..... KNOPPIX - Mirrors Getting knoppix from a normal torrent site will take forever, there should be a mirror which will let you download at your max speed.
thanks im getin the 700mb knoppix v5 iso. alcahol said i needed to reset so will do that when i get knoppix iso. here is the list in the ftp: i take it i only download the iso file? 06/02/2006 04:42PM 730,036,224 KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-DE.iso 06/02/2006 08:41PM 69 KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-DE.iso.md5 06/02/2006 08:42PM 305 KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-DE.iso.md5.asc 06/02/2006 04:49PM 730,036,224 KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso - IM GETTIN THIS ONE 06/02/2006 08:41PM 69 KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso.md5 06/02/2006 08:42PM 305 KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso.md5.asc 08/18/2005 12:00AM 267 README 05/01/2005 12:00AM Directory contrib 05/22/2004 12:00AM Directory docs 06/02/2006 08:48PM 9,792 knoppix-cheatcodes.txt 04/10/2005 12:00AM Directory knoppix-cover 04/28/2003 12:00AM Directory knoppix-customize 09/29/2005 12:00AM 14 knoppix-dvd 04/10/2005 12:00AM Directory knoppix-vortrag-als2000 05/12/2005 12:00AM Directory md5-old 06/02/2006 08:51PM 322,318 packages-dvd.txt 06/02/2006 08:49PM 123,432 packages.txt
Thats looks to be the one you need yeah. I hate it when there is a list of stuff to choose from. Its sods law you pick the wrong one. Ive never botherd with getting md5 checksums. Never suffered cos it either!
thanks for advice im already 50% of download on FTP dont fink much point in stopping it??? do i still need to install the SLAX for knoppix to work?
Once knoppix is on a cd it will boot up just like any other operating system which is installed on your harddrive. You dont even need a harddrive for knoppix (or most if not all live cds)
now ive seen some lame software in my time but this beats em all... i dragged the iso to alcahol 120% and clicked START now its saying "please insert a blank cd /dvd into the drive to continue" and in the white box it says "a blank dvd is inserted" WELL GET ON WITH THE BURNING THEN YOU STUPID DUMB P.O.S.!