need some cooling advice

Discussion in 'Overclocking & Cooling' started by tentative, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. tentative

    tentative Geek Trainee

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    ok I've had my computer up and running for about a month or a little less, but I've been wondering about the cooling system especially since I do a lot of gaming on the machine. As of right now my case doesn't have a front fan, but has 2 85mm fans on the side that pull in air, 1 85mm on top that pushes air out, and a 120mm fan on the back that also pushes air out. It seems to keep everything cool, unless I'm gaming, which I know takes a lot of power to do nowadays. I just need some advice on cooling because I'm still a newbie at this.
  2. BoBBYI986

    BoBBYI986 Geek

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    Hi, I would recommened sticking a fan on the front of your case for extra cooling, the biggest fan you can fit, that should make a bit of a difference. when your gaming does your cpu get hot? northbridge? graphics card?
  3. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    4 fans should be more than enough for cooling Any case... Unless you have your processor overclocked to the max.... Then you might have problems, But one should never do that..
  4. sabashuali

    sabashuali Ani Ma'amin

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    Everything is pretty covered but I would add that if your HDD's are at the front of the case like mine are, a front fan is a must as it sucks cooler air in and blows it over or around the HDD's.
  5. tentative

    tentative Geek Trainee

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    yeah my hard drive is right in front of the front case fan
    is that going to block a lot of intake air?

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