[noparse] not being honoured?

Discussion in 'HWF Info & Issues' started by Impotence, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    While the [noparse][noparse][/noparse] option is only meant to stop bbcode from being parsed, it would be useful if it stopped all parsing of text (de-capitalization, removing extra spaces etc) as sometimes you want the extra spaces!

    for example, the output of fdisk listing partitions contains extra spaces to make the columns lines up! (or putting a very important part of a post in capitals, ie something that might cause data loss)
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    I think the code tag would be best suited for that purpose

    Processes:  87 total, 4 running, 3 stuck, 80 sleeping... 447 threads    19:56:42
    Load Avg:  0.40,  0.32,  0.25    CPU usage:  1.66% user,  2.98% sys, 95.36% idle
    SharedLibs: num =    2, resident =  128K code,     0 data,     0 linkedit.
    MemRegions: num = 36982, resident =  821M +   11M private,  432M shared.
    PhysMem:  639M wired, 1984M active,  667M inactive, 3303M used, 2841M free.
    VM: 17G + 375M   202877(0) pageins, 0(0) pageouts
    69325 AppleMobil   0.0%  0:00.19   1    43    459 6184K    69M    20M   132M 
    69318 iTunes       0.0%  0:21.21  13   235    937   26M   101M    68M   556M 
    64885 Speed Down   0.0%  1:09.91   6   146    645   11M    97M    41M   487M 
    46775 top         11.4%  0:01.06   1    18     94  968K  6392K  3808K    27M 
    46764 bash         0.0%  0:00.00   1    14     42  368K  2208K  1576K    21M 
    46763 login        0.0%  0:00.02   1    17    223 1632K    19M  7216K    47M 
    45915 mdworker     0.0%  0:00.27   3    67    337 3936K    40M    15M    96M 
    43204 ssh-agent    0.0%  0:00.03   1    23    112 2176K  9108K  6424K    33M 
    38492 Terminal     3.6%  0:07.88   5   107-   619 7608K    78M    33M   455M 
    37277 vmware-vmx   9.0%  2:36:12  24   166   1468   10M    60M   573M  1000M 
    37264 vmware       0.0%  0:55.94  18   256    999   52M    98M    92M   573M 
    33011 Things       0.0%  0:03.37  20   149    830   27M   103M    63M   518M 
    24310 firefox-bi   4.9%  1:58:08  24   696   3200  198M   117M   307M  1020M 
    16562 Mailplane    0.9% 12:55.80  19   268   3456   81M   110M   201M   648M 
     5736 launchd      0.0%  0:13.76   3    24     44  172K  1792K   996K    20M 
     1171 AppleSpell   0.0%  0:00.74   1    60    166 2044K    25M    12M    60M 
  3. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    ok, thanks sniper

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