Yeah, it's very nice indeed. When I first layed eyes on the new motif, I almost thought I'd fatfingered the URL.
It looks very nice And it goes better with the website ! EDIT: I just noticed we lost our glowing names...
yeh, I know we lost most of the hacks I added, I'm not sure if there are version for vb3 yet, when there are, I will add again! sorry, I know some features which we had added were lost
Oh well. This is the first board I regularly visit that has upgraded to vB3...probably because they have a more sizable forum to work with as well.
Euh.....MY ARCADE ZONE SCORES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME IT TOOK TO GET 1.6 MILLION PTS IN TETRIS ?????????????????????????????? Ok I feel a lot better now It does feel strange not to be the King anymore
lol, they are still in the database, not deleted, currently theres no way to display them and the games, I backed everything up before the upgrade
I will look to add the arcade zone one the final version of vb3 comes out, I dont wana add the hack right now, cuz I would have to update again once the final version comes out!
Now the windows and all are stretched throughout the screen instead of being centered like before, good move :good: The colors also go well with Mozilla 1.7b
Clean, very clean. This version of VB looks much less Beta; it's very polished and well thought out. Now all it needs is hacks and graphics... :swt:
yeh, It does look very clean! any one see the arcade zone, harrack52 you will need to have few sessions so I can change the scores to your old ones, since there stored in a different table in the database.