Partitioned hard drive

Discussion in 'Linux, BSD and Other OS's' started by jamie85, May 21, 2004.

  1. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    Partitioned hard disk drive

    When i installed Linux, it partitioned my harddrive into 4 partitions(i think). Since then i have had to format my hard drive but i think it is still in partitions. Is there anyway i can restore my harddrive to how it was before it was partitioned?? e.g. 1 partition.
  2. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    what prog did you use? if it was partition magic then you'll have to delete the partitions and then make a new one if its formatted for linux. You'll be able to merge the rest if they were NTFS.
  3. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    No the hard drive was partitioned during the Linux(SuSE) installation. As far as i know all i have on my HDD is win 98. I tried installing PM but it couldnt read the HD letter????

    I just want to restore my HDD to one partition.
  4. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    what OS do you want to end up with?
  5. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    I had Win XP on the comp and wanted to dual-boot Win XP with Linux.

    WHen installing Linux, it asked if i wanted to partition the drive. I did and it partioned the HDD. THen i ended up with Linux running run but i could not boot Win XP.

    I want my harddrive to be one partition so i can install Windows, partition the HDD and install Linux on the other partition :)
  6. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    do you have any valuable data or can you just go ahead and do a full reformat now?
    The easiest way is to reinstall xp, full format at install, then install PM> it has an option to format a partition especially for linux, and Suse will just install straight onto it. I did exactly the same thing about 2 weeks ago! lol
  7. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    Thats where i hit another problem. I have XP home upgrade but when i try installing XP i get to a certain point and when it needs to restart, it restarts, gets just past the boot point and then displays a black screen....FOREVER! so i cant run XP :(

    I dont have anything valuable on the HDD.
  8. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    Did you do a clean install the first time you went to xp?
  9. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    Xp was on my computer when i got it.

    Or do you mean when i tried installing it?

    I tried both upgrade, and new installation (which formats the harddrive.) Neither work/.
  10. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    Sorry i thought you said something about win98 a bit before, and thought you'd gone from that. Thats wierd ive never had a prob installing xp, especially on a freshly formatted drive. You say it gets just past the boot point, does it stall just before the windows xp loading screen would pop up?
  11. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    "does it stall just before the windows xp loading screen would pop up?"

  12. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    have you tried installing a different version of windows or someone elses version of xp, just to see if it works. It could be something as simple as your disk being broke. If i remember rightly, the xp install restarts just after copying some files to HDD, it's probably just after this point it messes up if it cant read you disc. (ive had this problem once before, but got it working by putting a different cd drive in just for the install)
  13. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    Yes i tried installing a copy of Xp corp edition i have but the same happens with that.
  14. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    Very strange then. I assume you havent changed anything physically? At this stage i'd prob physically take the HDD out put it in another of my machines and format it from there, de partition it and set it up that way. Obviously not always an option, soz i havn't been much help mate!
  15. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    Thats an excellent idea. I could put that HDD into this machine and then run partition magic to delete the partitions. Yes i think i will try that :)

    Im formatting the HDD upstairs atm anyway.
  16. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    Cool let me know how it goes. ;)
  17. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Hmmm, it could be that you have some faulty RAM, or that your HDD jumpers are not set properly. Concerning the RAM, check out MemTestx86. It takes a long time to run a thorough test, but it's worth the trouble for the peace of mind. And as for the jumper issue, I advise double-checking your HDD jumper settings. For specifics, check out this other thread.
  18. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    I used EFDISK to veiw my partitions and it came up with these. Should i delete them all and create a new one?>

    Disk    Part          FS Type             Start/end               Size              Boot  
    First   First          Reserved            14426
    /26992          831050 
    First   Second      Reserved            47217
    /84194           265612 
    First   Thrid         Netware 3.11      11154
    /11154            0 
    First   Fourth       FAT 32 LBA         0
    /10380                 76640               **
  19. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Yes, assuming you've backed up all of your critical data, go ahead and wipe it. Windows' boot program is so poorly implemented that Windows must be installed on the primary partition of the primary HDD in order to function. Partition your HDD into two sections, one for Windows and leave the rest unpartitioned (leave that part up to your Linux distro). Install Windows, then Linux. That way Linux can handle the bootloader.
  20. jamie85

    jamie85 Geek Trainee

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    Seems its all sorted now i deleted the partitions and created 2 new ones.

    first: = 20gb - containing Windows
    Second : = 30gb - containing applications and data
    Thrid: = 20gb - containing Linux

    Hopefully all will work fine.

    Thanks for your help :D

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