I just bought a Phillips PSC 605 sound card after my trusty fellow (soundblaster live! VE) died. I just went to the linux side and am wonderingone thing....now...how do i install this..?! I'm running RedHat 9 (shrike) i popped in the card and to a big let down it has no sound coming from it. im not oo savvy with linux lingo and just started seriously last night. any help much appreciated thanks
mkay nvm i got the sound working. pluuged in the analog audio cable. now i just need to get my 4.1 working, any advice?
Try using alsamixer. Go to a shell, and simply type alsamixer. It's a very thorough sound buss mixing application (forgive the ugly interface). After tuning with alsamixer, I'm using my SB Live with perfect 5.1 surround. Edit: Whoops, just noticed you're using RH9; it uses OSS (not ALSA) by default. Unless you purposely chose ALSA, you're using a depreciated sound system. The ability to get [proper] 4.1 surround out of OSS is beyond my abilites. Sorry! I've got surround working before with RH9, but it never did work 100% correctly. My best advice for you is to use a distro that uses a more modern sound architecture. If you like Red Hat, try Fedora Core 2. If you're interested in a heavily multimedia environment, definately go for Mandrake 10. If you want a lightweight distro that still has plenty of built-in multimedia goodness, try Cobind Beta 2 (Based on FC2).
yeah ive been using fedora core2 for a few hours. sounds alot better! 4.1 works. i'll try cobind in a tad. no problem at all, i know that FC2 is based on Rh9 but i didnt know the sound was updated. after reading this i popped in a cd and i just about poopied. not really but you get the idea. thanks! DEAR GOD ITS UGLY!!!!! works good though *thumbs up!*
I think you're right! RH9 looked very professional, but FC looks very disorganized. It does work pretty well though; I'm running Both Fedora Core 1 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.2 here at work. Both very stable, though not as fast as others distros I've used.