Please Help Me Upgrade My PC For Gaming!

Discussion in 'New Build / Upgrade Advice' started by Drewbyous, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Drewbyous

    Drewbyous Geek Trainee

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    Hi everyone, i have an Asus Cm 1730-05 desktop that has been upgraded a little from stock i believe. This is my first time trying to build a better computer and i need advice on a few things. im trying play games like BF3 and Farcry3. i want to buy an AMD Radeon HD7950 GPU ( here's the link to that GPU: [...] 02006#top) but im unsure what processor would be ideal for running a GPU like that one as well as a decent power supply. i Also wanted to know if i would have any problems with my motherboard not supporting the graphics card for any reason or possibly a more powerful processor. i tried to figure out what motherboard i have but couldnt figure it out. i opened my desktop and say PCIe 2.0 X16 if that helps.

    Here are my specs and i hope i gave enough info (if not just ask [​IMG] )

    - Model: Asus Desktop PC Cm1730-05

    -Display: Hanspree 22' LCD (

    - OS: Windows 7 Pro 64Bit Service Pack 1

    -Current GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT 440

    -Processor : AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1065T 2.90 GHZ

    - Ram: 8GB

    - PSU: Ac/Bel PC 9045-2A1g 313.9w Max

    -HDD : 1 TB

    - MOBO: Dont Know [​IMG] Says PCIe 2.0 x16 on it though ( i ran everest and it still cant figure out what MOBO i have)

    Please help me out here, any advice would be much appreciated!
  2. Jan Benedict

    Jan Benedict Geek

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    Your desktop specification from Asus Website, if I'm right
    Since you already have a phenom x6 1065T, which is a pretty good processor already, you don't have to change processors if you're on a tight budget.
    Your options if you really want a new processors are: Getting an am3+ board and an FX processor. or go Intel i5 or i7.
    Your current processor won't have any problem running a HD 7950, although you should buy a new PSU.
    Another option: Buy an am3+ board along with the HD 7950, you can still use your x6 on the am3+ board, so if you get a good board, you can overclock the x6 and get better performance than ever. And if you have money enough for a new processor if you feel the need to, which if I were you I won't and I'd stick to the x6 for a while, you can go FX processors.
    Drewbyous likes this.
  3. Drewbyous

    Drewbyous Geek Trainee

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    Thank you for your response! that is some good news.

    Im planning on buying this PSU:

    Ive already ordered the GPU so now im pretty excited now that i know my processor can handle the card.

    I will eventually upgrade to a new mother board and processor cause my plan is to buy enough parts eventually to build a computer. for now, im just adding to the computer i already have.

    Thanks for your advice. If theres any other suggestions, comments, advice at all, please dont hesitate!
  4. Jan Benedict

    Jan Benedict Geek

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    Ok, good. Goodluck then, now that you have the specifications of your Asus Cm 1730-05, it would be pretty easy from there.
    Note: If you won't upgrade to an 8-core FX processor, or a Vishera 6 core, then if I were you I'd rather stick with the phenom x6 for now until the "Steamroller"? not sure of the name, is out.Also, go for an Coolermaster, XFX, Corsair, or Seasonic. Better brands, not that Thermaltake is bad, but it would be best to invest on a reliable and future proof PSU, it will lead to better future upgrade paths, like SLI or Crossfire or GPUs with higher power consumption. 850w is enough. anything more is a preference or a plan to for future SLI or crossfire.

    Try these (reference site only): Corsair HX-850 Silver Certified, Corsair TX-850, Corsair HX-850 Gold Certified.
    Drewbyous likes this.
  5. Drewbyous

    Drewbyous Geek Trainee

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  6. Jan Benedict

    Jan Benedict Geek

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    Either the 750w or the 850w is enough for your system with a single GPU.. If you would want to save some money for a better GPU like the HD 7970, you can get the 750W and save $55.

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