What happens when I get 100 Private Messages? I wouldn't want to miss out on anything important. Maybe I missed something (as usual). Who can tell me? Thanks.
Well I know that my limit is 500 messages, after that I don't think you can receive them. I'm not sure about Newz Crewz I'd just delete the ones in your "Sent" folder, that will probably reduce the number by about 50 odd
Thanks man, so I guess active users get like 25 or so?, news crew dudes get 100 apparently, mods get 500, and admins get as many as they want probably? It pays to know your stuff if you get a lot of PM's.
hahahaha You just said "admins get as many as they want"... lol look at the error message I just got. "Sniper has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space." Not quite the infinite amount eh? Learn something new every day does I.
lol PM's. I never really paid much attention, I delete them after I read them or reply just incase someone spams me 99 messages I can still get one
hehe, sorted now, I managed to fill my quota of 500, since I keep the sent ones is well, I think its time to increase the quota to 1000 or more I'll increase the news crews quota to 250 now. ninja its quite would take some time to spam 99 private messages.
Wat the! I've had about 6 PM's the whole time i've been signed up to the forums and they all concerned beef jerky
Hehe, that's quality Matt! I've gotten about 30 or so PMs, mostly from Waffles about SR, though untill recently I kept my sent ones too. Appreciate it Sniper, I'm not planning on leaving HF anytime soon so it will be cool to keep all my PM's and look back on them some day and laugh at their utter dorkiness.