I was just thinking about something the other day, and well, i'm making a bed for my pickup. When i was ordering all the steel people kept thinking i was making a bed for like sleeping in, and i though i had read somewhere that a pickup bed was called something else. I thought i remember it being said by a British guy, so i was just curious if you call a bed on a pickup something different, like do you have a different name for it.
here are pictures to show what i'm talking about. 67bed-rob01.jpg ford-pickup-bed.gif The_bed_is_what_the_samurai_is_in
The top one we call trailers, we have one and sometimes take it when we go away. The type that's attached to a 4x4 I can't remember the name for.
lol, yeah, i was giving reference in the first two pictures to the back half of a pickup, aka, the bed. But yeah, it was on TV, top gear i think where i remember it being called something else.
I dont think there is a name for the back of a pickup... other than "the back of the pickup"! Though we do call it a bed when referring to flatbed wagons... from the 7.5 tonne jobbies upwards. http://www.haptonvalley.co.uk/uploads/324_DSC00536.JPG Curtained wagons tend to be called lorries. http://www.hmgpaint.com/content/pre...ucks-trailers/b-and-q-truck-curtain-pvc94.jpg You say your making a bed.... we'd say you are boarding out the pickup.
lol, thats kinda funny, and werid, but yeah, round here its known as the bed, and a flatbed is a flatbed, but hey thanks anyways guys.