Hello first! I'm new here in the forum, possession for about 14 years only Notebooks,'ve never had any problems-peak when, I could fix it myself, so I'm probably only now on this Forum met: P But now, unfortunately, once is always the first time ...- 've got the following problem when starting the laptop: When the power button press turns off the LED for power supply, goes back on but nothing happens occasionally lights up briefly the HDD led medium- However, no such being installed at the moment. Have tried the following; -Hardreset, Expanded -memory, exchanged, ect -With and without battery, -With and without an external power supply, --in all combinations, loaded day long, uncharged, ... It should be noted That alone is nothing at all happens with battery, not even ne LED. -But the battery can not lie yes, as you normally the Notebook also can not operate. Furthermore, I have the thing disassembled, checked plug connections, Or similar solder joints tested, overheat traces or by unusual looking, coked or burnt or melted resistors looked but nothing Found, which could affect the operation might like. What is the antecedent, I unfortunately do not know, my son man came to me with a notebook in hand and with the statement: "Here dad, no longer works!" Is probably only still running, but probably not loaded - and as the battery was empty then, was nothing more. I have the feeling, as if not enough amps arrive on the motherboard or there is a circuit not switched on as it should ... Maybe someone has ever had a similar problem and can give me a solution. Thanks in advance ever !! Seeya Neoa
This can be a Number of things, From Power supply to Led screen to hard drive..Motherboard could of went out.. Has this laptop ever been dropped ?