Hi, i just hear about this, in a way i dident think its a good thing, i mean it seems like everyone is flocking to the UK, infact, i 60,000 polish were let into the UK apparently, but something went wrong and 600,000 were let into the UK, and since this, crime has gone up abit in the town near me, but the fact is, should all these people be allowed into the UK, sure its a free contry, but were allready cramped enough, on this little island there is like 60,000,000 people, proberbly even higher now, and it seems like lots of people are going to come to the UK from the 2 countries that have joined the EU too, i dont udnerstand why they all want to come to the UK though why???
From what I understand, Poland has been rather corrupt. While it is recovering, the currency is way below the Euro. One guy who's come to the US years ago said that the housing market was bad. Someone would pay virtually nothing for a shack, then resell it for $200k...just outrageous crap like that.
A shack is a small hut type thing. I don't like it either. We have a problem with the poles coming in, as well as other immigrants taking on jobs which have low pay. That means that students like me, who could do with a bit of extra cash have little job opportunities. Even with the great grades I came out of with school, still no luck. That's not to say its entirely their fault, some of the people who rely on welfare here have the capacity to get a job, but they just don't want to. I also wouldn't blame the immigrants for the crime or violence either, I think that its mainly the youths who are causing the most problems, the archetypal chav is to blame methinks.
Well yea you cant blame all violence on them, but i know since the polish have came around my area they have been in quite abit of trouble. Woah, i am amazed how someone would buy a small hut for $200,000 O_O. I rekon the polish will be getting all the jobs in the new subway in the high street, and there is even a polish shop now!, i mean how polish does the uk have to get, england aint really english anymore, i rekon there are more people in the uk who are not english, than people who are english, no offence intended for any foreign or polish people on the forum like.
Well they say theres more English in a Welshman than an Englishman. Im glad I live on the border. Hopefully im close enough to Wales to have a fair bit of English in me but not close enough to have Welsh down as my nationality IM NOT WELSH! My home city was built by the Romans to keep the Welsh tribes out and its still the way on Friday and Saturday nights! For as long as people who come to our country to work pay our tax I dont care! Jobs are far too easy come easy go in this country and if there is good competition for the low paid jobs the more likely people are to keep their jobs. People coming here to work is here for the long term whether we like it or not and we are going to have model our education and work around it if we find immigrants getting in the way. At the end of the day with the stupid "im British so **** off" attitude floating around there are only so many jobs foreigners can apply for before companies start losing the customer satisfaction credits they have built up over the years. Look at call centres. The people in India are to a certain extent more suited to banking advisory jobs etc than people over here because they are graduates... where a degree really does mean something! but no matter how much better they are banks who use British call centres are proud of it and even base adverts on it. I dont think its right to say immigrants are a significant contribution to crime... most come here to work their balls off! They are probably the cause of crime in that many UK people dont seem to like foreigners! We all know there are huge huge numbers of people in this country who comes here for our overpaid benefits and nhs etc but what percentage come from eastern europe? I dont know either but its got to be fair to say there wont be many. I still dont know if I like the Europe thing... I know when it eventually pulls off it will keep Europe up to date alongside the US, China and India eventually. If only we could all be like Germany! lol Im not welsh and im not a nazi either! Look on the bright side.... if you go to Bulgaria or Poland and buy a whole street of houses for the price of your northern england council house and wait until your retirement you would be a rich person. Even look far to the furture and consider Turkey. Its a matter of when not if for Turkey joining the EU and it will be a hotspot im sure.
According to the BBC 582,000 eastern europeans (half of which were polish) came and 37% work in factories.... which is better than factories moving to Poland. Maybe it doesnt hit me as hard.... the north west has the least immigrants in england. This estate used to be the biggest in europe... Im guessing its still the biggest in the NW if not the whole UK and we dont even have any blacks here... not one. Nor muslims... its as white as white round here. I know of one polish person and she works in Morrisons. Shes the only one who will happily talk to you, dead pretty too oh and the polak my mum married! But his dad came here from a POW camp in siberia to fly lancasters during WWII so thats a bit different.
Were i live, which is near york in a town called selby, there are tons of polish, polish shops, they work in all the shops, but the thing is, there living off benefits and the council, and the money that they get, is from tax that most people have to pay, then you see when in wilkinsons buying loads of stuff to decorate there house, and thats what people taxes are paying for, for them to decorate there house!, it should be for food, essentials, not buying heap loads of wallpaper, paint and all the other stuff you decorate houses with.
Well then you should be angry at UK's laws, not the immigrants. The UK does need to do welfare/social benefit law overhauls. Pretty much all European countries do. They give out too much welfare and whatever else you call it, and then it creates too much drag on the whole economy. The magazine, the Economist, which I sometimes read (when I actually have the time), made this point on numerous occasions in different articles. But you know, generally speaking an influx of immigrants is good for a country because it counterbalances the aging population problem which is now a problem pretty much everywhere. Old people don't usually move to new countries. It's pretty much always people who are working-age. So if all these poles come there to grab up low-paying jobs and start shops and stuff, that's actually good for a country as a whole. The essence of the aging population problem is that there are too many grandmas sitting on welfare and not enough working-age people who pay taxes which then feed the welfare fund(s). Well then, now u get more working-age people! Rejoice! In fact, this is one of the reasons why the US economy is still kicking strong. We get so many immigrants -- all the time -- that we don't have a problem with an aging population nearly as bad as in Europe.
The uk has like one of the biggest old populations i think, in the Uk there is more old people than the young which is bad for the UK, it proberbly is the parliments fault actually about all the imigrants, there the idiots who let the hude amount of people come into the UK, when really they shouldent let anymore in now.
Its bloody child benefits that they need to overhaul! If you have 2 kids and a council house you get so much more money than you would if you worked. I know people with 2 kids, widescreen TV, PCs, contract mobiles, beech floors, new cooker and washing machine, new car the list goes on. Neither of them have worked since I met them 7 years ago. All because they live in a council house and have kids. It was the same for my mum all those years ago only my mum spent her time in college training to be a Dental Hygienist and not smoking dope! Normal jobseeker benefits is £55 a week which is silly. I used to spend £55 a week on my dinner at work! I suppose £55 is a fair amount because it isnt enough money to live on so its gotta kick people up the arse to get that dreaded job in a factory. Thats when they actually pay you! I first signed on around 20th October and have been paid twice since! That means the bank loans haven't been paid and I now owe my mum £150. The jobcentre keep pulling out Pub work for me.... I haven't been in a pub for a good 4 years... other than the ones that sell food at dinner time. I hate the places. I used to work part time in Homebase and got £200 a month... again im better off on the dole! Everybody knows Selby.... "Selby Rail Disaster" rolls off the tongue quite easily! Maybe around Selby there is an established Polish community because im sure people cant walk into our country and claim benefits and then go again. The way people do do that is when they claim political asylum. People from countries in the EU could never claim political asylum... if they could then we should throw them out!
That sounds a lot like Michigan, except for the reselling part, and it would probably be a mansion not a shack.
on average, i would say immigrant's work harder for less money... and how can ANYONE complain that someone is willing to do more work for less money? there are quite a few immigrant's where i am, and not one of them has been a :swear:head to me, i generally find there more polite than average and it add a bit of diversity to the culture... none of which can be a bad thing! i love talking to foreigners! i bumped into some germans the other week and we had a great talk about the difference in alcohol laws and the price of beer and tobacco, they where shocked when i told them how much i pay for a 50 gram pouch of tobacco in euro's, the actually told me to stop smoking!
Willz, immigrants/visitors/tourist-staying-to-work are not the problem. They are merely exploiting the fact that employers are willing employ EU citizens rather than UK citizens. Partly because they know they will work for peanuts and UK citizens won't. You should blame UK, fat arse bastards who will claim benefits rather than go out to work. You should also blame mega firms like Tesco who get produce from farmers who have to employ these people for peanuts so they can sell cheap produce to companies like Tesco, to name one. You should blame the DSS offices who are giving out benefits to these people like there is no tomorrow. The bottom line is - you cannot blame EU residents, trying to better themselves, coming from poorer countries. I am sure you would have done the same, if you knew that it is so easy to make a good living in another country, one which you have free access to. Really this is Labour doing, whether you like them or not. If it bothers you, and I am not passing judgement, then next election, make sure you vote Conservatives.
Thats true, it's not the fault of the immigrants. In the case of Poland and some other countries, they earn enough to live on in the UK, and send the rest back home to their families. In a dire situation, any one of us would do the same thing. However, from an economic perspective it's harming the economy. DaRussianMan, maybe one of the reasons your economy is still going strong for now is because of your government's lax views on global warming and sustainable economic growth. The USA is the world's biggest polluter, and leaving the Kyoto protocol agreement for short term, domestic economic benefit does not seem like a wise choice to me.