Server 2003 problems / all windows

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by Willz, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Hi, on my server i have decided that untill i get a new Hdd Windows Server 2003 is the way to go as i dont have enough space to back all data and format my hdd.

    My server specs are as follows:
    1.2ghz Celeron s
    384MB SD Ram
    250GB WD HDD
    815i mobo

    The problem is, i set up windows server 2003 (boot from cd, go through the formatting stages) but then when i restarted, there is nothing, the setup does not load, i dunno whats going on, any ideas?

    This is tottally pissin me off, i dont want the HDD in my main computer, takes too much space up and slows my pc down, now i put it in another computer and its been retarded, unless its the comp itself, it goes onto that black screen and stays on that blinking thing in the top right corner, tottaly :swear: me off especially when in the middle of downloading F.E.AR Combat and some TV stuff :mad:, was hoping for stuff to go as swiftly as possible, coz i know once i get into windows its bish band bosh and its all set up.
  2. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Ok, i solved it, i found that all i had to do was make it an Active partition and boot partition too , working fine now , Is it possible to actually turn my Windows server on withought using a keyboard and mouse, i know this can be done with linux, everything starts automatically, and if any settings need changing i used Putty or somthing like that to change my settings, can this be done in windows?

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