Came into a minor issue tonight with some overlapping icon type guys. It's no big deal because it's not important and it still works but I was wondering what I could do to fix it? Thanks.
Thanks ninja, tried it, didn't seem to work. I'll just call it a night and fire up the beast in the morning in case that would do anything.
Yeh i had that problem cept it only happens when I make my windows different sizes the text all bunches up and has a fit. Probably cos of the page stretching/being compressed.
Thanks man, could be it, I had things @ 1280x1024 and then switched to 800x600 because the image was so blurry and fuzzy. Now everything looks excellent except for this. I'll go fiddle around with the resolution and see it that works, (restarting didn't do a thing).
yes its the resolution thats making it happen. so you will need to use a higher resolution! Though I am sure I tested it at 800*600 to make sure it looked fine.