Looking for a Pentium 4 motherboard, but not ready to shell out for an expensive i915/i925X motherboard? Soyo has a bit more affordable Springdale (i865PE)-based solution. The 865PE Dragon 2 Plus (from now on 865PE D2+, or just D2+) is a pretty basic i865PE motherboard, much like the Abit IS7-E. Socket 478 is more or less, but that doesn't mean the socket 478 motherboards are going to instantly vanish. While the i915/i925X chipsets are Intel's brand new babies, they aren't quite mainstream yet. Additionally, the lack of the latest and greatest for PCI Express video cards and the lack of any real performance gains over the i865/i875, the new ones haven't quite taken off yet. 'Tis the price of having the latest and greatest sometimes. For the average person, Socket 478 is still a viable option. The latest review is over here.