Fuck! My goddamn transmission fucking died on me last night going into work. Now I gotta fucking buy a new fucking car since a new trany will run me almost what I paid for the car! Looks like I'm not gonna be doing less than 40 hours a week in the future like I'd planned. Shit! I just fucking hate this shit right now. I've had the car 5 fuckin months. Oh, and fuck it if I haven't been socking away cash into savings.
I completely understand, the engine of my first car died a year after I started using it. It was about 10 years old but it only had 100 000 km. I had already put 1200$ on it so I said fuck it. I drove it until it wouldn't drive anymore ! It made a really loud sound, everyone was looking at me in the streets.
Well, I got a new set of wheels on the way now: a 1997 Chevy Cavalier. It's pretty loaded, and is affordable for me. I'm basically waiting on the banks to do their stuff, so I may not have it till monday, but I could have it today---not holding my breath tho. I'll have it by the time I need to drive anywhere important.
Ouch, my windhsield just broke, cost me 900$ to replace, fucking Volkswagen, damn the new Jettas, so damned expensive for EVERYTHING "IMPORTED" My ass, you pciked it up like 3 blocks down i bet. None the less, insurance didnt cover it. How gay is that? It makes no sens,e i dished out 1655$ for insurance as second driver, and it didnt cover it. Thats a bummer
I don't like being in the hole 12-13k between my college loan and the car payments, but my ass is covered now that I've got a 2 yr service plan and full coverage on the car. Being a good driver helps. I'm only 22, and have a sportier version of my car and I've only got to pay $700/6mo. for full coverage. And it only goes down from there. The bad news is I gotta pull a 40hr week. *sigh* At least summer is about 5 weeks away for me...and I should be able to transfer to a different department and make a little more cash this summer.
Being just a driver with a pre-liscence, is a pain in the ass. Leanrners, but the truck wasnt my fault, BS BS BS BS! I know how it is to bust your ass. My day starts off like this 7:30: - Wakeup - Check Email - Check hits 7:45: - Shit, Shower Shave, 3S' 8:00: - Go to school 8:25: - Arrive at school 8:30: -meet girlfriend. 9:00: - Start school 11:45: - Leave school 1:30: - Work starts 8:30: - Work ends 9:00: - Go on PC 11:00: - Start homework 1:30: - Check Email and finish homework. 2:00: - Go to bed. NOW THEESE ARE LONG ASS DAYS FOR ME MAN! Bust my ass non stop, I HATE IT!!! No time for nothing, saturdays i give time for my girl, and sundays my day of rest... 35 hour workweeks usually, PLUS school, and homework, its a killer. Speaking of which, i have homework to do...
I don't have a lot of homework actually...of course it might help to actually do the stuff that I have
those are long days, Skaeleen! I think my days will be like that sometime in the future, but hope not...