I am having problems with my software not detecting my voice. I can hear, but cannot be heard. I'm definitely lost when it comes to computers. I do know there is not a problem with my hardware. It's a software problem but that's all I know. I have no idea how to fix it. I wouldn't even care if my voice was not being detected, but I am wanting to use Yahoo Messenger with voice to make a PC to PC call. I am not able to do that. I would be able to hear the other person, but they would not be able to hear me. Does anyone know how I can fix this? My system is Microsoft Windows XP, version 2002. Thanks so much
Did you check to see if your microphone is connected properly? Make sure all plugs are in their proper connector, most of them are colored nowadays. If you have an integrated microphone in your monitor, check the cable that's together with your monitor plug. If so then you could also check the system volume options in configurations, see if the proper device is chosen in the dropdown box, most of the times you don't have to worry about that. If you have onboard sound there will propably be only one selectable sound device possible. Otherwise you should try other devices, there should be a device selectable which clearly tells you it's for recording. You can click the "Volume" button there too and check if the little box is ticked (it should be) under the volume slider in the next window. Also check the slider is all the way up. Last but not least there is the "show advanced properties" option in the Recording window (under options, in the top-left corner) if you enable that, it might show an "Advanced" button under the volume slider. Clicking this button will open up a new window, anvanced options for microphone, there should be a box there which says "Boost microphone gain" tick that box if you have it. There a microphones on the market which require you push a button on them to operate. I don't know about the program u are trying to use but others like MSN Messenger and Skype both have the option to check your microphone settings. Still no sounds, then there could be a problem with your microphone or your sound device.
Hiya Marcus, I read your reply regarding voice not detected, and thought to myself - Hey this guy knows what he's talking about! Howabout helping me out as well? I live in France, have access to SKYPE for free within France until the end of the year. Knowing this, a friend offered me a VOIP phone. I installed it, it told me that it needed "high speed USB connections" or might not work! Well it worked like a dream, I heard the people, much better than with a headset, BUT... they couldn't hear me, or rather it was all garbled! I followed SKYPE complicated instructions for arranging the audio settings on my PC, but this didn't help. Frustrating - I can hear the people for free, but I can't say anything. I tested my speaker and microphone on the appropriate Windows XP Pro page, and they work fine. When I played from My Music with MSN Media Centre, to my utter amazement, the phone started singing the music as well! Has all this to do with the preferred "high speed USB's" or maybe with my Web connexion speed (max 2,4Mbps)? If it's the USB thing, please inform me how I can get such things installed on my PC - and whether it is worth it, or should I just use SKYPE for SMS messages and Chat, and put the VIAP phone in it's box and up for sale - any takers? (iwmpop):chk:
Iwmpop, thanks for putting so much trust in me, kdm428 who started this thread never replied to my post so I don't actually know if my advice worked for him, too bad. If you install a USB 2.0 ( The "High speed USB connections"" you are referring to ) into a normal 1.1 USB port, windows XP should / will automatically inform you the device won't work at the optimal speed since it's data transfer speed will be dramatically reduced due to USB 2.0 being faster than the old 1.1 compliant. The difference in speeds can be seen more clearly in this graph If you didn't get such a notification from Windows means you're just fine, high speeds USB pci adapters can be easily installed into your pc and they come pretty cheap too. Skype works fine the way it is now? Then their might be a problem with the VOIP device itself, you should try it with someone else's computer to be sure. If the device turns out to be working after all, are you using the VOIP device with Skype? There should be more software available to use with such devices, just Google for it. Maybe it works fine with different software? What's your ISP's upload speed? It might be too low to use with VOIP although I doubt that since Skype works fine I take? Good luck with sorting this out, I hope my tips help. Just og over the process of eliminating the possible causes. Greetings, Marcus. ps; I use Skype too, is it really going to be a paid program? I heard it first from you, can you give me a source to that info?
Dear Marcus, KDM 428 would not seem to be very polite!Maybe he's not well! I'll try to reply to your questions as best I can! My download speed is shown as 2,4Mbps As I said in my original reply, SKYPE works, except that the person I'm calling only gets a garbled/broken voise which he can't understand, so I can't reply! Great for women who only want to talk, I suppose, but no good for me! I don't know if the warning message comes from Windows or Skype or the Phone installation itself! How can I check what type of USB's are installed on this PC?Certainly my Cameras etc work just fine, although it is noted that they use USB2.0. I know that my older PC IS equipped with USB2,0 but I can't use it for the moment (I'm waiting for the delivery of a KVM cable before I can use it What I don't understand is why this VOIP phone suddenly decided to play my music from msn media player, rather than playing it, as usual, via my speakers. When I disconnected the phone my speakers took over the job, and when I reconnected the phone, the speakers continued to function. So far as SKYPE is concerned, apart from the conversation problem, all the other things (chat/sms messages etc) seem to work. I'll have a look in the look for contacts to find your address on Skype, and maybe we could have a chat-with your permission, of course. I'm going to try and send you an attachment of the information regarding Skype in France, where it tells you that for connections to ALL fixed landline telephones in France, the service will be free (gratuit) until the end of 2006, after which they intend to extend the free service to handys (mobiles) and SMS will also be free of charge. Unfortunately this message I received is, I beleive, in French!(I will have to go to my gmail inbox to find the document concerned, so I'll send it later) In the meantime, thanks for your help. (iwmpop)
Here is my attempt to send you the info! It is actually in English! Hope it arrives!(if not, I can give you the details by chat, or you can go to SKYPE Help, which is where I found it!) (iwmpop) In any case, here is the URL concerned: Skype Help Should work by copying into your address bar! Or just click on it!
Thanks for the info on Skype Iwmpop. SkypeOut has never been free here in the Netherlands, I was afraid Skype itself would become a paid program. Thank god that's not the case. Skype to Skype will remain free. As long as you meet the minimum requirements for Skype you should be ok. Since you've stated your download speed is 2.4Mb means you have a broadband connection, which is good for Skyping. But the minimum requirement probalby apply to the less bandwith consuming features of Skype like chatting and file sharing, not specifically to conversation. I have relatives over in Germany who also have a connection speed of around 2Mb and sometimes they also experience bad sound quality or lag so to say. We could try something else, do you know if Skype has full unrestricted acces to the internet? Having a router and / or firewalls enabled might limit the acces Skype has to the internet. Otherwise that would mean you need to open up ports for Skype to make it have full acces, this process is called port forwarding. Here's a link to a webpage about Skype and firewalls Since there's an issue with MSN Media player, there could be a problem with the installation of the device itself. Could you look in Wndow's device manager and tell me as what type of device it is listed? Windows might see the VOIP phone as a totally different device than it is supposed to be. It would be helpful if ou could also write down what brand and specific model the VOIP phone is, that way I can check if the device is of poor quality or there is a driver issue. Obviously you have to look if you have the latest drivers installed for the phone. Will get back to you soon.... Au revoir, Marcus
Dear Marcus, Thanks again, I'm adraid all that is going to have to wait, I'm off into Hospital tomorrow morning, and I did want to have it all up and running for use by the person who will be taking care of place! Never mind, it'll just have to be the old handy with its expensive calls. I did open up the link to Skype which you gave, and sent of a request for Help, but I understand from Skype forums that Skype are very slow in getting back to you! Incidentally, I don't find your user name on Skype Contact, I guess you use a different one! Never mind! If I may, I would like to contact you once I have got back home from Hospital, but I've no idea how long that will be! Another bypass op!:doh: Servus, Auf wiedersehen, arrivaderci, ciaou, goodbye, au revoir (I don't have the Dutch version, but I'm sure you already know it!):chk: