Hi, I am planning on doing A+ Certification. Could you guys recommend me in what order to further my studies?? Whats MCSE & how will it benefit me? After A+, I want to do N+. But from there I am lost. I am in Fiji, and IT is nothing here. But I have alot of interest in it. I am actually a Bachelor of Arts Degree holder in Accounting & Financial Management plus Information Systems. Just to find a job, I had to do Accounting. But now, I really wana do what interests me. I am more on the hardware side as I usually build pcs for my friends & families. I dont know that much programming & stuff. So to start off I'll be doing A+. Any recommendations what to do next?? :dry: Thanks
Network+ is basic networking. I'd really suggest to do that after you finish A+ (if you're interested in networking), and then maybe a Microsoft Cert or if you're more up for a challenge, a Cisco Cert like CCNA.