When do you think it will be a good time to upgrade to Vista?

Discussion in 'General Software' started by BadAssKeith, May 22, 2007.

  1. BadAssKeith

    BadAssKeith Geek Trainee

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    Windows Vista sounds great, but a lot of the features that it has now like the Stand By Mode, DVD software, and other things that are just starting to work reliably now on vista should've worked a long time ago. Vista lacks in lot of Driver support right now. So when do you think it will be a good time to upgrade to Vista?

    I think when they come out with their Service pack one I will get it. Do you know how long that will be?
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    I'm not aware of set date but I'd also suggest waiting for SP1.
  3. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    well personally i'd wait until SP2[ot]using XP as a road map[/ot]
  4. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    I'm using Vista on a pc, and it is just as buggy as XP was at the first release. So I'd also recommend to wait for SP2 unless you need DX10 for gaming. By that time, most applications should work completely with Vista
    [ot]As registry scanning software kills the system right now[/ot]

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