Well, according to the Seattle School District. White people, you're privileged, and guilty, guilty, guilty of oppressing disadvantaged minorities. Denial only makes things worse. This is the message currently emanating from the Seattle School District. Never mind that this dubious construct undercuts needed emphasis on minority student achievement. District officials this month are sending students from four high schools to an annual "White Privilege Conference" in Colorado. The conference is billed as an "opportunity to examine and explore difficult issues related to white privilege, white supremacy and oppression" — "a challenging, empowering and educational experience." The conference has little to do with mastering reading, writing, math and science; or with graduating from high school and keeping one's head above water in college. Those are the lessons high-school students should be learning, not that they will be given social promotions in the name of equity and inclusion. The focus of Seattle Public Schools bureaucracy is clearly political indoctrination, not academics. The district is even planning an "equity summit" in the spring, which White Privilege Conference attendees are to help lead. (More in the link above.) Yes, now I understand my default purpose in life: keep blacks, asians, and hispanics down. WTF is wrong with these people and the mindset that white people are rich and racist?
Ahh, the "B" stands for Bigot, I finally understand! Kidding of course. But I don't think this guy is kidding: Kamau knows how to save the world - exterminate all white people!
i hate people, this stuff only causes more problems, why would you even do something like this. It just causes an uproar and hinders progress.
this is a problem my country deals with all the time. We came out of apartheid 13 years ago and there is still a lot of racial tension. At school it is so obvious how the races are separated because all the whites colored Indians and blacks all stick together and exceptions are rare. This whole racism issue pisses me off because by the time i hit working age there are laws in place to ensure that 80% off all jobs must be occupied by blacks and the other 20% can be filled by all the other races. Its like subtle apartheid in reverse. Good thing i have my very very very shinny and beautiful British passport
The final words, of course, must come from Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in that immortal sentence; "Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair! There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless!"
I find it terrible...I feel insulted at the moment... I haven't done anything to Asians, Blacks (if it's ok to call them like that) or Hispanics... but I wonder what will happen if I get into a fight with either one of them? Perhaps I'll be called racist *******... I think politics have overdone it with the whole racist problem to a point that we don't dare having the same convo with another ethnicity as we do with our own people... @Moderators: Sorry if my post was inappropriate... feel free to delete it if so.
This is another reason why I love the internet, it brings people from all over the world and from different perspectives to discuss issues like this. I'm Asian, and in the UK I have not experienced any racism. I do get some racial comments occasionally from chavs (definition: worthless scum youths hanging around on street corners) but they're not real people so it doesn't count. I should be getting my passport soon, and then I'm going to Switzerland w000!!!!
I am in NZ and i have heard some racist comments when i used to do night shifts in the Subway... Drunk Kiwis used to swear a lot sometimes.. But they were drunk as in their normal time I ve never heard anything bad from their mouth.
If your white and you get in a tangle with them, it's your fault...and you don't even need to have done anything. Look at the Duke LaCrosse guys. Now, there was some major political motivation with the DA, but these guys were falsely accused, yet the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson both under the guise of 'minister' (what a crock!) never come out and say "Hey, we screwed up. Where's the justice in this?" Why? Because they're white. Racism is being used for people's gain, and frequently, what's labeled racism isn't, devaluing real racism.
You can't make laws to govern racial issue's... because the laws themselves divide people into groups. As Addis said, I love the internet for what it does for society... and its had that effect for a long time (judging from these excerpts from the Mentors last words). Thats the oldest text concerning this that i know about (written in 1986). Personally, i don't see why/how people can hate someone on there appearance... [OT] F**king chavs, we also call them neds here though (Non Educated Delinquent)... I get alot of Neo (The Matrix) style 'comments' (I wear a full length trench coat) and have had quite a few stones thrown at me by the :swear:s, saying that i know quite a few people who hang around in those groups who are remarkably sound ('cool', someone your happy to be around). I was shocked to find out that 11,000+ people voted for the BNP across Scotland at the last vote... (aka racist scumbags), why do people love to hate? My friend had a simpler view "Thats 11,000 that deserve to be shot instantly" he was joking though (about the shooting) [/OT]