Windows Startup Stuck On Ntfs.sys

Discussion in 'General Software' started by JamieD, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. JamieD

    JamieD Guest

    Hi : My Windwos XP SP2 startup is stuck with a black screen.

    I tried startup in all modes and no help.

    But in safe mode, i can see that the startup is stuck on \windows\system32\drivers\ ntfs.sys

    So with the re-installation cd - tried chkdsk and it reported no errors.

    I also enabled ntfs service using the following cmd in dos
    enable ntfs SERVER_BOOT_START

    I see 2 other cmds
    fixmbr and fixboot

    Please suggest me some ways to figure out what the issue is without loosing the data in my computer.

    I am still not sure if this is a hardware issue or software issue.

    Will i loose data is i re-install the OS ?

    Please suggest and its been days that i am stuck on this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2017
  2. Wicked Mystic

    Wicked Mystic Big Geek

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    Quite easy fix

    To resolve this problem do the followings:-
    1] Boot computer with the Windows XP CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
    2] To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
    3] At the command prompt, type the following commands:-

    cd \windows\system32\drivers [Press the ENTER Key]

    ren ntfs.sys ntfs.old [Press the ENTER Key]

    If the ntfs.sys file is there and corrupt it will rename it. If it is not there then it was missing.

    4]At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
    copy X:\i386\ntfs.sys drive:\windows\system32\drivers [Where X=CD-ROM Drive]

    5]Remove the Windows XP CD from CD-ROM drive, type quit, and then
    press ENTER to quit the Recovery Console.

    6. Restart the system.

    So basically you must make sure you can boot from CD (change BIOS boot order if necessary). Then boot from CD and follow instructions.

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