Am i the only person who thinks xmas is the biggest waste of space ever. I hate it nearly as much as i hate religion or George W Bush!!
Xmas can be a royal PITA, but its the first time in awhile ive spent so much time around my family and at home! Its definitely loosing its magic though, Christmas used to make getting to sleep next to impossible a few days before the 25th. This year i would have preferd to have had a few extra hours in bed and open my presents later!
The problem is, it's been so commercialized that the original meaning behind it and other celebrations gets washed over. It's not going to go away as it's where retail stores rake in profits. On the flip side, I do have a problem when you can't say Merry Christmas without having someone go ballistic about being offended by that. I just don't get how it's gone from Jesus to a fat man in a red suit who rides a sleigh with flying reindeer. I like getting presents, and I like getting to spend time with family, but I just hate hearing every fricking rendition of Jingle Bells or some other song that really has no relevance to the time of year if it weren't for the winter aspect. If there's a holiday that can be capitalized on, it will be. We're getting ready for Valentine's day here right after the new year. It's commericalized whoring.
I think the fat man in a red and white suit is a result of an over-indulgence in the sixties/seventies on mind altering drugs. As for xmas and the furore that surrounds it i just think its such a pointless exercise. I stopped buying any sort of present for anyone 3 years ago due to the fact that it left me in financial crisis till about April of the next year. Also with it being a religious festival and me not being religious at all it is at odds with my non-religious way of life. What probably does my head in the most is when i explain to pps that im not into xmas at all due to things such as western global capitalism and all that religious nonsense i get the "your no0t one of those Bah Humbug people are you". I think the role of the scrooge character was created by a retail consortium to try and deal with people opting out of the whole xmas thing, and thereby alienating anyone who dared speak out against xmas and its economic impact. For me xmas means 2 days off and a huge trek across the country trying to get to my parents home for dec 25th. Its a chance to see other people in my family that i dont normally see too often during the rest of the year.
Scrooge came from the Charles Dickens character Ebeneezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" back in the 1800's. Saint Nicholas actually did exist, but it was just a local tradition in, I believe, Holland, he did a few hundred years ago. Back in the 1930's (I think), Coke came out with Santa Claus in a Christmas marketing campaign. I think that probably was the driving force. Also, I forget what year, but it was officially sanctioned as a holiday in the US, so I believe that did push things along. Personally, set a flat limit per person of how much I can spend up to. I'm not going to put myself in debt if I can help it. Either way, Christmas has become so commericalized and the amount of money that is made, there's no way retail will let go. I believe Christmas was started as alternative to the Pagan and Jewish holidays around this time of year (like Yule and Haunakah (sp?)). It was nothing like this, but thanks to the ignorance of many Christians and retail operations cashing in, it's become this monster where people put themselves in debt for one holiday.
What do u mean by that? Christmas was always celebrated, wasn't it?? Just wasn't the kind of holiday it is now with Santa Claus... right?
Well, not exactly. Christmas was basically a low-scale celebration, for Christians, regarding the birth of Jesus (who did walk the earth according to Jewish writer Josephus). Yeah, it was nothing like it is now. Much like Easter...
Christmas doesent feel like christmas anymore, it just feels like a normal day, were you get some presents and get a really big dinner. Now christmas feels like a time were you HAVE TO buy presents or your a bad person, i havent bought presents this year, i never have, but thats because if i did, i would have no money left, i went christmas shopping with my dad for my mum, and we spent like £200 on abit of perfume or something, which would normally be like £100, like you go in shops, and you see sales 50% off, even just before christmas, when its not really a salve, they just doubled it before christmas then put it back to the normal price, also, whats boxing day got to do with christmas?? i mean you see it on tv, boxing day sales at dfs, 50% off this sofa! get it while you can! etc..., who made boxing day? And is new years eve and new years day apart of christmas?, why celebrate that too, its just a normal day except its another year starting..
*shock horror at willz* New year is a point full celebration, whether your religious or not... its celebrating a new year, a new start if you will (why do you think people make promises to stop smoking etc at new year!) its also a great time to get drunk getting drunk for the hell of it can be fun, but when your celebrating its alot better.
Lol , i dont see the point of celebrating a new year, there always just as bad . Yea, its a good excuse for getting drunk LOL, but damnd, i dont think i want to get drunk since what happened to me last time, but i suppose it was my fault for mixing spirits + beer, i thrown up no bus, just looking at anything made me want to puke, and on the bus i got this enourmous pins and needles all over my body and couldent move at all , that kinda put me off lol.
You can celebrate every month, day, hour, min, sec....... with that thinking I mean enjoy ur every moment, dont jst give importance to only particular time...
Oh come on ... don't over-analize it. Sure, u can tell yourself to "enjoy every moment" but it's not gonna change anything. Anyone can still get excited over a special occasion or point in time if one wants to. Everyone else finds it a suitable occasion to celebrate, even if it really doesn't mean anything when u analyze it. So what? Just join the crowds and the spirit because it's easier to celebrate when everyone else is. And u will have greater fun because of it. Otherwise u'll just be depriving yourself. The question is not "why celebrate New Year?" Because there probably truly isn't a good reason. The real question is "why not?" And the answer is just for the hell of it because it's fun and because there's no reason not to. So just relax and go with it. All you people "not seeing the point of celebrating" will just end up with depression lol.
Every weekend i go out for clubbing n wat i find out is there is a big croud....thats wat i found on New Years eve, so didnt get wats special in it. Oh Yea, there was one thing special... crackers on Sky Tower. lol!
I have never been out on new years eve :\, once i went to blackpool with my parents, that was cursed, on way back we got stopped by the police, they were only stopped us coz they were pissed off coz they had to work on new years, the motorway was empty and we were in a crappy volvo 240 curising at 90mph on an empty motorway, all the way form blackpool, and they stop us, i am proberbly cursed lol, i think that only bad things will happen if i go out on new years eve, probs get drunk and something will happen, allthought it would of been good if there was a new years even party in the village, but there wasent on this yeear 0_o